Red Stallion Regiment

An elite strike force of 600 Lark Society soldiers trained in arcane magic augmented battlefield tactics and strategy.


The regiment of 600 soldiers is led by the Commander.   The regiment's six sergeants each have two demi sergeants.


The Red Stallions are a tight group, brothers and sisters in battle and books. They are all soldiers and have served a minimum of four years as infantry in the Lark Society. After they are accepted into the Red Stallions and show aptitude for arcane abilities, they are given the title of Accepted. The accepted are trained in arcane combat and serve as research assistants for the more experienced stallions. Once the Accepted have proved their devotion they are promoted to the rank of Pikes where their arcane skills are expanded by accessing the rare books that the stallions have collected as a company. The research of the pikes is accentuated by enhanced combat drills and experiences of the Stallions who become their mentors.

Public Agenda

The Red Stallions are tasked with supporting the Lark Society in overcoming arcane threats. They area also tasked with fast strike missions and specialize with hostage rescues.


The Red Stallions have a large arcane library located inside Anvil Fortress. They keep these books separate from the Arcanum and only allow other members of the Red Stallions to have access to them.

The Fight Is Ours

Dissolution Date
Military, Army Battalion
Alternative Names
Training Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization