Lark Society

The Lark Society are the standing military force for the Kingdom of Emser. They carry out the sultan's commands to spread the wealth and culture of Emser to the people of Huld.


The soldiers of the Lark Society are a well trained standing army. Many of the soldiers are familial members having served for generations in the Sultan's guard. While the Lark Society does not accept a formal religious stance many soldiers follow the principals of Joth. Their motto Bravery to Honor speaks of their belief that moral deeds and asperations are the highest hallmark of a true soldier.  However, many soldiers do little more than pay those ideals lip service. Any person who is a citizen of Emser is required to serve at least two years between the ages of 17 and 25. They are paid for their service and are offered opportunities to extend their time in the military and receive higher ranks and additional training. With military service being a required aspect of citizenship many low ranking officers work to complete their service and transition back to civilian life.  Every high ranking member of the Lark Society has begun their military career in this way, regardless of family connections or wealth. As with any large standing military force the Lark Society is ruled by strict training and proof of deeds. A soldier that keeps their word and acts calmly in the heat of battle is typically recognized and valued within the military.

Public Agenda

The Lark Society was created to defend the Sultan of Emser, and his people. As the sword of the sultan the Lark Society works to protect Emserian citizens and interests no matter their location.

Demography and Population

The lark society represents Emser's diverse culture by accepting all ancestries into its ranks. Predominately made up of humans, the lark society also hosts large amounts of half-elves, half-orcs and halflings.    With standing numbers of approximately 20,000 the Lark society can call upon civilian reserves of an additional 24,000 troops.

Foreign Relations

With foreign policy handled primarily through the Emserian court. The soldiers of the Lark Society are the sword and shield protecting and procuring the court's interests around the continent of Deren.    Rivaled only by the Fa Clan in the size of their standing military force the Lark Society possesses the largest army on the continent. The presence of Lark Society soldiers is ever present in some number in many of the large cities throughout the region.

Bravery to Honor

Military, Army
Alternative Names
Training Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Lark Society

Character flag image: Sigil of the Lark Society by Toni Gil