
Nestled at the foothills of the splintered peaks was the capital city of the Kingdom of Emser. The city of Emser was home to the Sultan and his family. The Lark Society also called the city its home along with a large branch of the Arcanum and hundreds of thousands of artisans, clerics, children, parents, merchants and adventurers. However after several cycles of conflict and war the once beautiful city is has been reduced to a shadow of its former glory. The city once was home for more than 200,000 people. Since the cessation of hostilities fewer than 50,000 now live within its walls. Finally with the destruction of the Lark Society and the Tefferan Sultanate the city is now under the control of the Fa Empire.


Emser is a primarily human city although several half-elves call the city home due to its relative proximity to Nightgrove. The city itself was once the home of the Lark Society and devoted one entire quarter of its size to the support of its soldiers. As a result nearly one quarter of the capital city population was active duty soldiers. Under Fa Empire rule the number of soldiers has increased to more than one third. With so many soldiers present much of the cities economy is built around support of the Fa Military and their families. Much of the city is taken up by middle class and upper class families however the small section of city that houses its lower income citizens doubles as the warehouse and shipping district for the city.


Emser was ruled by the Tefferan Sultanate. After the Battle for Emser the Fa Empire now controls the city.


Much of Emser is surrounded by the stone walls of Anvil Fortress. The walls stretch twenty to thirty feet high and house a large contingent of Lark Society troops.    The city also has access to freshwater from natural springs that are present under the city. With the control of water in the arid Tressian Plateau Emser can last for a long period of time if under attack.


Due to its location on the Tressian Plateau water is a scarce resource that must be guarded and managed. The city itself was built originally by Im Nen Elves more than a thousand years ago on top of several naturally occurring springs. These springs were adapted into cisterns that sit below the cities capital's crest district.


The Crest Once the home of the Royal Palace and court before it was destroyed on "the day of Crest Fall". The Sultan's palace was the highest point of the city and housed the royal court and the home of the royal family. On the day of crest fall the palace collapsed completely into the cisterns that had been placed below it centuries before. The crest district overlooks the rest of the city from atop it's hill. Currently the crest district is being rebuilt with a new palace.     Orchard Town The highest cost district of the city excepting the crest is Orchard Town. Built on the grounds of the Sultan's orchard just below the crest of the city, many members of the royal court and high ranking military officers live there. The local branch of the Arcanum is located here and is represented by a tall white stone tower. The tower is not allowed to reach higher than the Sultan's palace in the crest district. This height requirement comes from the original sultan who agreed to let the Arcanum open an outpost in the city.   The Well Second only to Anvil Fortress by population Emser's commercial district is located in the city's center. The well district gets its name from the several large wells that are fed by the natural springs the city is built upon. Many shops, inns, traders, restaurants and other businesses call the Well district home. Many middle class homes are found in the well district along with several of the city's equestrian academies.   The Mill District The fields and meadows surrounding Emser are far from lush but they are verdant enough to produce a variety of herbs, olives, limited grains and livestock. The mill district Emser's agricultural processing area for all of this. Many of the warehouses that store these goods are outside of the battlements and walls of Anvil Fortress that surround Emser. The mill is also home to several shanty towns that have taken up residence alongside the warehouses. Low cost housing and crime are more common in the mill district. People who can't or won't join the Lark Society often find themselves living in the mill. Over the last several decades the Mill has also become a haven of cheap manufacturing for goods such as textiles and furniture.   Anvil Fortress Housing the barracks of active and trainee Lark Society troops Anvil Fortress is the gateway to the city of Emser. The fortress itself is built into the defensive walls of the city. Surrounding the well, orchard and crest districts Anvil fortress allows for storage of food weapons and troops. The inside of several districts of the fortress host different arenas for training new recruits and special forces. Several sections of the fortress also hold different prison grounds around the city. Anvil fortress is structured to allow for rapid troop deployment at any of the city gates. All people entering and exiting the city itself must pass through an Anvil Fortress gate.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Light
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization