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Solar Breeze

The Solar Breeze is a freighter operating on the route between Gamble and Freehaven. It carries compressed essene from Gamble to the orbital shipyards on Freehaven. The ship then ferries goods, heavy equipment, and empty essene canisters back to Gamble. It takes roughly six standard weeks to complete the journey between the two planets.

Power Generation

The Solar Breeze is powered by a single antimatter engine.


The Solar Breeze has a STW drive that can propel it to nearly thirty times the speed of light. It takes roughly six weeks to travel between neighboring stars. The ship has carbonic rockets for sublight propulsion and attitude control.

Weapons & Armament

As a freighter, the Solar Breeze is not equipped with any weaponry. The only onboard weapons are small arms for the crew to defend against boarding parties.

Armor and defense

As a civilian vessel, the Solar Breeze is not equipped with any armor. It does have a shield generator. The shield is designed to deflect micrometeorites and radiation, but provides some limited protection against ship-based weaponry.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Solar Breeze is equipped with simple radios for communication.


The Solar Breeze has a basic suite of sensors for automated docking, collision avoidance, and foreign object detecting.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The Solar Breeze is capable of hauling 2,400,000 kg of compressed essene along the exterior of its hull. It is equipped with a flight deck, communications and cyberspace office, engineering bay, quarters for up to twenty crewmembers or passengers, galley, hygiene area, gymnasium, and lounge.
Owning Organization
Current location
$467 M
Related Technologies
15 m
95 m
15 m
59,725,000 kg
27 c
Complement / Crew
29 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
20,275,000 kg


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