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Physical Characteristics

Freehaven orbits a K-class main sequence star. Its star system has six major planets in total: two rocky, terrestrial planets in the inner system plus two large gas giants and two ice giants in the outer system. Freehaven is the second planet in distance from its parent star. Freehaven is a super-Earth with an active photosynthetic, microscopic biosphere. A combination of plate tectonics and a high rate of erosion due to its larger gravity well has created a planet that is mostly covered in shallow seas punctuated by archipelagos. The atmosphere consists mostly of nitrogen with considerable amounts of oxygen and numerous trace gases. The atmosphere is breathable.


The total planetary population is roughly 20 million people. About 20% work in agriculture, 5% work offworld in the orbital carbonic factories, and the other 75% of the population live in the planet’s cities. The planetary government is a republic composed of representatives for the various agricultural and manufacturing firms. Freehaven has a robust legal system.

Natural Resources

The planetary economy mostly consists of aquatic agriculture. The planet’s main export is carbonic which is produced by bacteria in offshore farms. Most of the planet’s land surface is devoted to the production of feed crops for the carbonic-producing bacteria. There are also offshore farms to grow food for the planet’s populace. Additionally, there are orbital manufacturing centers that produce spacecraft components from the processed carbonic.


Freehaven is a popular rest stop for starship travelers, but it is not of itself a popular destination for interstellar tourists. Space elevators provide easy access from orbital dockyards to the surface, where there are a variety of beach resorts, casinos, and sailing expeditions to choose from for recreation.
The native life gave off a ghostly bioluminescence at night that appeared to rise from the deepest depths of the water.
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