The gods of Hyacintho

There is a large pantheon of gods that watches over Hyacintho, but no one knows how many smaller deities there is. On your travels you might find worshippers of a god you never heard of before and somtimes its the same god just by diffrent name. But in most cases all agree on the core five, the first ones; Malleus, Artem, Sapientia, Terra and Nox.

In the beginning it is said that the gods created our world and lived in it with us, walking among us creating and expanding the world as they went. Malleus and Artem created the first people but had nowhere to put them so Terra gifted them the land and sea and called it Hyacinto, as she did plants and animals sprouted from the ground. But the people hunted and hurt Terra’s creations so Nox and Sapientia went to Malleus and Artem to do something about the humanoids, they refused, Artem had to much fun creating and Malleus to protective. So Sapientia taught the humanoids how to care for the lands and give back what they took. But Nox did not agree on the people going unpunished so he created time and bestowed upon them mortality.

Despite there differences the gods lived in piece for a time, creating, teaching and loving. They had many children, both with each other and the humanoids. New gods and demigods where created from many unions. All where not good but the gods loved them all the same. But with time conflict rose, jealousy and differences soon tore the gods apart and so came the first war, the divine war. The first ones watched their children tearing into the lands, desecrating and laying ruin to their creations but no one could decide on what to do. They loved their children, gods, demigods and humanoids equally.

So Artem devised a plan, for he knew that his brethren would never leave some of their children willingly and something had to be done unless all of Hyacinto where to be lost. After tricking all of the first ones he created a plain for the divine and proposed a temporary truce for all the gods to visit his newest creation, and as they all loved him dearly they agreed. When the gods came with all their children he closed the gate between the plains, locking it with five divine keys, one for each first ones, and threw them in to Hyacinto so the gods would never find them. He then explained to the gods what he had done and sent them of to look over their devoted followers, still allowing them to speak and communicate and guide us through the plains.

The first ones

Malleus – God of Justice, Protection and Strength.

Artem – God of Beauty, Art and Magic.

Sapientia – Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge and Secrets.

Terra – Goddess of Wilderness, Nature and Sea.

Nox – God of Death, Fate and Travel.

Secondary gods

Dolus – Diety of Illusion and Trickery

Solis – Godess of the Sun and Agriculture.

Impius – God of Greed and Envy.