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Bryn Shander

The first stop for most visitors to Icewind Dale is Bryn Shander, a walled town perched atop a cold, lonely, wind-lashed hill. Bright lanterns suspended over narrow streets add flecks of color to the otherwise drab surroundings.   The friendliness in this settlement has dwindled of late. Auril's unyielding winter has greatly reduced the number of visitors to Bryn Shander, and local trade is suffering for it, eating away at the locals' sense of humor and goodwill. Still, there is no safer place in Icewind Dale to spend coin or the night.


Majority: Human   Minority: Dwarves   Communities: Elves & Half-Elves   Enclaves: Halflings, Gnomes   Singular: Goliaths, Half-Orcs, Dragonborn, Tieflings


The walls of the town stand some 30 feet high and are defined by two concentric rings of upright wooden poles, the gap between them filled with rubble and dirt. The outer ring of poles rises above the top of the wall, providing a rampart for defenders stationed on the wood-plank walkway. The wall's hinged gates are 15 feet tall and can be barred from the inside with iron-banded wood beams. These gates are closed when it is dark - which is to say, more often than not.

Guilds and Factions

Town Militia

Able-bodied men and women volunteer for the town Militia. The town has 24 full-time guards who are trained to act in three eight-hour shifts in the town, with three more shifts patrolling the city wall. In addition, the guard has 2 veteran soldiers from the Southlands that train guards and militiamen and are still in fighting condition. If necessary, the town can produce 250 militia from the citizenry.    The Militia and Town Guard are presided over by Sheriff Markham Southwell. The sheriff has authority to deputize citizens and issue warrants for the arrest of an individual. Southwell reports to the Speaker of Bryn Shander and has no authority beyond its wall  

The Merchants Collective

A Collective of wealthy merchants who ensured the flow of trade to Bryn Shander and Ten Towns as a whole. Since the Everlasting Rime has cut off all trade to the Icewind Dale, trade has dried up. The Merchants Collective has began to cannibalize itself, with poorer members having to sell indentures to the more wealthy ones just to stay afloat. With the open market under pounds of snow, the Merchants Collective has lost all but the bare minimum of power within the city.    Many members of the Collective are still treated as nobility in Bryn Shander due to their own stockpiled wealth. Eventually, though, that wealth will run out and then they will simply be men and women in houses too big to heat and no experience hunting in the cold...  

The Blackiron Dwarves

The Blackiron family of Dwarves provide the majority of the Coal, Iron, and Stone used in Bryn Shander. With the Rime entering its third year, their provisions of coal have become the lifeblood of the town, and when once the Blackirons were simply members of the Merchants Collective, they have now become a power unto themselves.  

Clergy of the Morninglord

Clergy of the Morninglord have been attempting to keep spirits high in Bryn Shander since the Rime fell upon the Icewind Dale. It has proven difficult to keep the faith; however, as a sun that no longer shines holds little power for those left in the dark.   The House of the Morninglord is a stave church in the north of town. It still marks the hour with bells in its former precision, but only a scant few devote still attend any worship.  

The Children of Auril

A cult of Auril, once a minor deity only called upon to thwart harsh winters, has now gained power within the city. Auril is the cause of the eternal night, so it stands to reason that pleasing Auril could end it. While most of the citizens hold to this ideal in private, the Children tend to attract the most unstable of Ten Towns' populace.   The Children began their crusade to please Auril by sacrificing livestock and supplies to the Frostmaiden, calls for human sacrifices have begun to get louder as the night wore on. Now, even in Bryn Shander, lotteries are held to determine who will be given up for the good of the town.

Points of interest

Speaker's Hall

The town hall where the Speaker can issue any decrees or changes to the town law. This is also where the lotteries are held to determine the sacrifice to Auril on each new moon a month.  

Council's Hall

This building used to be a palace for a noble. Now it's used whenever the ten Speakers of Ten Towns get together to address major concerns or threats. Since the Rime, the speakers meet every month on the full moon to plan for the next month, as survival has become routine.   The Council Hall also holds the Sheriff's office and a small jail in the basement.

Northlook Inn and Tavern

The most well-known Inn and Tavern in Bryn Shander. It is located just inside the North Gate and keeps the hearth burning and mug of mead ready.  

Blackiron Blades

A famous smithy, Blackiron Blades sells weaponry and armor of all shapes and sizes. Formerly infamous for undercutting any other smithy in the area, now it operates as one of the only smithies in the area. Since the Rime, a sister-store has opened selling everything a traveler needs to cross the tundra and reach another of the Ten Towns.

House of the Morninglord

A Stave church located in the northeast district of town, the bells still ring out the hour every hour. Faithful spend large amounts of time in the church, as much for warmth as for spiritual comfort any more.    

House of the Triad

Formerly a house of worship for a Dwarven trio of gods, the ruined House of the Triad is now the headquarters of the Children of Auril. They hold regular sermons in front of the building, exposed to the cold of the night. It's not uncommon to have one of their number succumb to the cold and die on the steps of the Triad during these prolonged lectures.


Bryn Shander's buildings are the most diverse of Ten-Towns, blending the architecture styles of the southern human kingdoms, the signature Ten-Towns peaked roofs for shedding snow, squat, square Dwarven houses, and swirling elven decorations.
Additional Rulers/Owners

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