
Lakeridge is a rustic, waterborne settlement perched on stilts above the tranquil waters of the Saphire Lake, bustling with activity and commerce standing beside the Desolate Mountain.


Lakeridge is a predominantly human settlement, with a small population of dwarven guests who visit for trade and commerce. The inhabitants of Lakeridge are known for their self-reliance and insularity, often being rude to outsiders and keeping to themselves. The community is tight-knit, valuing privacy and the unique lifestyle afforded by their stilted homes above the tranquil waters of Saphire Lake.


Lakeridge is governed by a group of social elites, a council composed of influential families and individuals who wield significant power within the community. This council is responsible for making local decisions and ensuring the smooth functioning of the settlement. However, they ultimately report to the Arthinian Empire, aligning Lakeridge’s policies and actions with the broader interests of the empire.


Lakeridge is naturally defended by the surrounding wetlands and the waters of Saphire Lake. The settlement has a small militia drawn from the local population, trained to protect their home. Defensive measures include fortified docks, watchtowers, and patrol boats that monitor the lake for any signs of threat.

Industry & Trade

The economy of Lakeridge is driven by fishing, supplemented by trade and small-scale manufacturing. The market is a lively center of commerce where fish, handcrafted items, and herbal remedies are sold. Trade with neighboring settlements and occasional dwarven traders brings in essential goods and rare items, though the insularity of Lakeridge limits extensive trading relationships.


The infrastructure of Lakeridge is uniquely adapted to its environment. Houses and public buildings are constructed on stilts above the tranquil waters of Saphire Lake, connected by a network of wooden walkways and bridges. This design not only protects against flooding but also facilitates easy movement around the settlement. Basic amenities such as freshwater supply, waste management, and communal gathering spaces are integrated into the stilted architecture.


The Docks: The hub of trade and commerce, bustling with activity as boats load and unload goods. The Market: A vibrant area with stalls selling fresh fish, produce, and locally made goods. Residential Area: Clusters of stilt houses where the inhabitants live. The Council Hall: The seat of governance where the elite council meets to make decisions.


Lakeridge’s primary assets include its rich fishing grounds, strategic location beside the Desolate Mountain, and skilled craftsmanship. The lake provides abundant fish and aquatic plants, while the nearby mountain offers minerals and timber. The community also takes pride in its unique handmade goods, which are occasionally traded with trusted partners.

Points of interest

The Sapphire Lake: Known for its clear, tranquil waters and abundant fish. The Desolate Mountain: A source of minerals and timber, offering a rugged backdrop to the settlement. The Central Market: The heart of commerce and daily life in Lakeridge. The Council Hall: Where the governing elite convene to make decisions for the community.


Tourism in Lakeridge is minimal due to the inhabitants’ distrust of outsiders. However, the picturesque setting and unique stilt architecture occasionally attract adventurous travelers and scholars interested in the settlement’s way of life. Visitors are generally closely monitored and only permitted to stay for short periods, often limited to specific areas of the settlement.


The architecture of Lakeridge is functional and rustic, with buildings constructed from locally sourced timber and reeds. Homes and communal buildings are elevated on stilts to protect against flooding and to utilize the lake’s resources effectively. The structures are designed to blend seamlessly with the natural environment, providing both stability and aesthetic appeal.


Lakeridge is perched on the edge of Saphire Lake, with the imposing Desolate Mountain to the west. The area is characterized by its serene waters, lush wetlands, and the rugged, forested slopes of the mountain. The settlement’s location offers both beauty and practicality, providing access to a variety of natural resources.


The climate in Lakeridge is temperate, with mild summers and cool, wet winters. The lake moderates the temperature, ensuring a generally comfortable environment year-round. Rain is frequent, contributing to the lush vegetation and the abundant water supply.

Natural Resources

Lakeridge benefits from a wealth of natural resources, including:   Fish and Aquatic Plants: Vital for food and trade. Timber: Harvested from the forests on Desolate Mountain. Minerals: Extracted from the mountain, used for trade and local craftsmanship. Herbal Plants: Used for medicine and various other purposes.
Location under


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