Mt. Savatos

Mt. Savatos stands as the central peak of the Shiverscar range. Once a mighty volcano, its fires burned with vibrant blues and whites. Its heat blessed by Zerkzys the Everlasting Flame. Mt. Savatos was used as a forge hidden from the enemy during The Thousand Year War, where Zerkzys himself helped his siblings craft the Qaalreytar Armaments used to win the war. After The Rift Mt. Savatos' eruptions helped sculpt and form the new continent of Loreheim, setting the stage for a new era to begin.

Now dormant, Mt. Savatos stands faded, forgotten to those who have forgone the traditions and worship of the Elder Dragons, legend speaks that Zerkzys sleeps beneath the still lake of fire in its depths, awaiting someone to bring strength back to the Elders.


Every year on the 28th of Dakialda until the 9th of Dakshaya, Kobolds and Dragonborns that still worship the Elder Dragons make a pilgrimmage to Mt. Savatos' core, believed to be home to the hidden forge from The War. The hope is that one day enough devotion and tributes to Zerkzys will have been made, that the Elders will reawaken and begin reigning over Idur once more. Rarely observed by outsiders, this ritual is shrouded in mystery, but the forge itself is said to be one of Idur's Forbidden Treasures.
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