
Situated in the northern portion of Loreheim, Myria is home to a myriad of peoples. Most commonly Kobolds, Dragonborn, Avianfolk, and Dwarves. Dedicated to mining and cultivating smithing resources from the mineral rich mountain ranges, most cities and villages in Myria are carved into the rocks and mountains themselves, using the terrain as a sort of natural defense. The best example of this is Ironhide, the Myrian capital. Treated as a sort of blacksmith mecca, master smiths from all across Idur travel here to trade skills, resources, and wares. Built into one of the eastern mountains on the outskirts of the Shiverscar range, Ironhide is the most populated city in Myria.
Myria also has home to what locals have called the Wasteland. The Wasteland is the area north of Kenton that most people have written off as inhabitable. Solely home to some native races like Kobolds, Goliaths, and Dragonborn. Notoriously difficult to traverse and navigate through safely, The Wasteland has earned its name as mostly desolate outside of a host of dangerous beasts and locals that know how to deal with them.


Myria is situated in the northern portion of Loreheim. Covered in rocky mountains and deep valleys, the area is rich in minerals, ore, and other treasures beneath the ground. The harsh landscape has lead to most of the Myrian citizens to settle in larger cities and forgo smaller villages and towns as working together is the only way to survive the mountains. Myria also has an island territory Blackreach Isle that the leaders of Ironhide also preside over.


Typically colder than the rest of Loreheim. Myria generally has temperatures ranging from 45-90 degrees throughout the year, following the seasonal pattern the rest of the continent experiences.

Natural Resources

  1. Iron
    Natural Gemstones
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization