Pam's Greenery

I just want people to enjoy the wonders of this world unconditionally. No coin, no fee, no war, no stress. Just a fine place with some green.
— Pamavera Iyengar, Owner of Pam's Greenery

My Vision

I came to this world through some pretty horrid way I don't want to get into right now, but when I awoke here, I was filled with rage and frustration for a good two years. I hated this new world and how everyone thought they were so heroic and brave for throwing their life away hastily. I still think that way sometimes, but after seeing people I have grown accustomed to talk about how they are anxious about the state of the world constantly, and the fact that the only thing they can think about is if the future will be alright, I decided to build something.

The Greenery

In the old world, I was not liked too much, and I didn't like the world that much in return. The one thing that put a smile on my face however was a nice stroll through the woods, the sight of beautiful flowerbeds or the smell of freshly harvestable crops. I loved nature back then, and I love nature here as well. So in order to share this love and moment of relaxation with every soul on this plane, I created a space to do so. A house that started off small, growing various different plants, weeds, flowers and more was built. It had several tables and chairs around it, sort of like a small hangout space where people could relax, read a book and chit chat lightheartedly.

What it became

I did not ask for entry fees or money for the provided drinks I served them, but the gratuity of the souls was overwhelming. So after a few months of regular visitors I was able to expand the house drastically. I now have outdoor areas with flower fields, a little bar and way more rooms, as well as an underground grove where mushrooms and the kind can be sat next to. I built a small room with bookshelves to grab a lecture or two and I even created a space that would let me grow this space even more without violating my no money rule.

The Exchange Room

I have gotten lots of requests to sell herbs, flower batches, tea or other fun stuff. So I set up a bar where I trade anything to the best of my abilities for a gift, however small it may be, that is also nature-related to grow my greenery.
Founding Date
Month of Mind, 10 AFA
Hydroponics / Agricultural complex
Parent Location
Hangout Cavern at Pam's


Let's get this study session in at Pam's, what do you say?
Academy student
Sometimes I just go to Pam's to check out the new flowers. They always smell so good!
Vaporio Citizen


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