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Odd One

Goblin Queen (a.k.a. Kerry Tinklesprinkle)

Odd One is the Goblin Queen, a powerful archfey and member of the Summer Court. She guided The Chosen Nine  During life, Odd One was a member of the Vile Ruins Tribe, led by Gruk the Grim, a powerful Goblin leader that has ruled over the tribe for several seasons, despite multiple attempts on his life. He is a goblin purist that seeks to join the tribes together to kill all who consider goblins to be inferior. She left shortly after Gruk learned about her making a pact with a non-goblin god.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

On the sides of her scalp and on her face and neck, she has a Coiling Grasp Tattoo. It looks like twisted roots and vines and thorns, much like Hyrsam's magic.   During a period of a few hours that she cannot remember, she lost both her ring finger and thumb on her right hand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Odd One is a former member of the Vile Ruins Tribe. She was kicked out after making a pact with Hyrsam, a non-goblin God.   At some point, she had a brief fling with Sexhard Silvertongue and had her first kiss.   In 48 3E, she joined up with Chaotic Okay during The Broken Goblet Massacre.   When the group attacked the Crimson Scar Tribe in The Abandoned Keep, Odd One met a warg, who she named Mr. Green due to his strange green tongue. He became her dearly beloved companion.   After making their way through the Elvish Woods, the group ran into the Vile Ruins Tribe. During the fight, Gruk the Grim was killed. Odd One led the group back to the Vile Ruins, where Odd One became the leader of the tribe. She sent the tribe back to Eastvale to be waiters in their tavern.   While the group was trapped in Granny Agatha's Dream World, Odd One put on the Mask of Mephistopheles, becoming possessed and attacking her group. When she came to, she learned that Mr. Green was killed in accident involving Dimblewimble's Void Bomb.   After helping defeat The Crones Three, Hyrsam offered to take Odd One to the Feywild with him. The Goblin Queen was dying, and she could take her place. After Queen Belladonna's coronation, Odd One went to the Feywild, becoming an Archfey and a member of the Summer Court.   As she arrived in the Summer Woods, she was reunited with Mr. Green. To prove her worthiness to become the Goblin Queen, Queen Titania sent her on a quest to retrieve a necklace that Natasha the Dark had stolen, and forbade Hyrsam from helping her.   While traveling through the Spring Meadows, Odd One was the 10 millionth person to walk by Claude's Place, so she got a Barrier Tattoo from Thicket for free.   In 70 3E, Odd One brought together the second half of The Chosen Nine after they were resurrected. She carefully withheld information, as she believed Queen Titania would be cross with her if she shared too much.    She then went to Castle Arania, where she sent the first half of The Chosen Nine back to the future so her future self could deal with them. Then, later, she met that group for the first time in the Shadowfell and teleported them to The Dungeon & The Dragon & Adam's Dead to meet the other group.

Personality Characteristics


To find a new tribe!


Not Great.




Towards Odd One


Odd One


Towards Hyrsam


Odd One is a Goblin Warlock of the Archfey. Her patron is Hyrsam; the Prince of Fools. She was cast out of her tribe for refusing to worship Maglubiyet though she was already disliked amongst her people for her use of magic.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
38 3E
Yellowed Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mottled Green
3 feet
45 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Oh fuck.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Goblin, Sylvan

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Session 6: 02/09/22

After arriving in Mistshire, we are met by a man who begins attacking us. He screams that Starke had killed his wife. Adam uses entangle to hold him while Starke hits him with his sword. The screaming man says his name is Elliot Millborn. More villagers appear and begin to attack. A little girl comes up to Odd One and attempts to stab her. She fails and Odd One instructs Mr. Green to bite off her head. Adam uses entanglement again on the other villagers. Elliot continues to scream that his wife Claudia had been murdered by Starke. Nightshade kills one of the attacking villagers by stabbing her in the neck with her dagger. Elliot breaks out of his entanglement and attempts to run away screaming. All the villagers have been accusing us of strange crimes like stealing their husbands or ruining their garden. Odd One suggests that these villagers may be under some kind of spell or charm. Odd One and Mr. Green attempt to dispose of the evidence of killing the little girl by eating her. Adam attempts to reason with one of the villagers, however, it does not work and they continue to attack. Stange cackling has been heard several times during this fight. Adam wild-shapes into a dog to see if he can sense if Aunty Gertrude is hiding somewhere in the area. Oh and sometime during the battle Elliot had peed himself and it is very noticeable. Adam finds Gertrude flying on her broom overhead watching the battle. Adam wild-shapes again into a spider to try and bring her down with his web-shooting ability. Starke screams at her, asking what she's done to his parents. Gertrude shape-shifts into Starkes Father. Wadewacket magic missiles all the remaining enemies including Gertrude. Gertrude is able to escape the webs that bound her and escapes again. Odd One takes one silver and four copper pieces from Elliot as Starke ties him up for questioning. Adam and Wadwacket take out the last two remaining enemies. Odd One and Mr. Green dispose of the dead villagers by throwing them in the nearby well. Starke somehow convinces Elliot to show him to his home. He tells us that Lord Atticus Fog is the town leader. Elliot then shows us where Atticus Fog resides; the Mistshire Keep. As we walk, Wadewaket is beckoned into the woods by a strange Elven man. He shows her a symbol of a Hand with a Leaf in the center. Starke sees it all happen while the others are unaware. Starke follows as Wadwacket goes with the strange man. The elf introduces himself as Helanoran of the Verdant Hand. He offers Wadewacket, and by extension Adam, the job of killing Starke Mancer.

Session 5: 01/26/2022

Searching the body of the sea hag reveals nothing. While I continue searching the monsters bodies, the Human Druid tells us his name is Adam Firstman and the Gnome woman is his partner; her name is Wadewacket. Finding nothing of value, we all go back to the Black Barnacle Inn. A dark haired woman wearing fine clothes approaches us and calls us heros. She offers a substantial reward for killing the monsters. I take the gold and split the 1050 Gold amongst the party. Everyone received 175 GP. Starke doesn’t want his share so I keep it for him. Nevetta Devourough reveals that she is the lady of Pondhaven. She also has a history with Starke. She offers us free drinks and rooms for the night. Belladonna and Wadewacket participate in a drinking contest with an odd dwarf man at the bar. We play a goblin drinking game suggested by me that translates to “What the fuck is up with that?” in Common. We all learn a little more about each other and where we all come from. A new woman enters the tavern as we are drinking and eating medieval mozzarella sticks. She stares strangely at Belladonna, and asks to talk to her in private. I rudely follow. She tells us that Bella is of celestial origins, and reveals she is also of celestial origins which is how she knew. Her name is Eliza Vedramiel. She runs the Morningstar Orphanage in Pondhaven. After revealing this information, she leaves us to take a long rest. The next day Adam, Wadewaket, & I go to the apothecary. For 50 gp I buy a potion of water breathing. For 100 gp I buy a potion of invisibility. For 25 gp I buy 6 health potions. Wadewaket gets a pickled pig fetus in a jar for some reason. Adam gives his money to Wadewaket for safe keeping. Starke and Belladonna go see the blacksmith for new weapons for Belladonna. They find that Steve Anvilborne runs the blacksmith shop in this town. Steve reveals he is John Anvilborne’s brother. 174 GP is left for the Starke Fund after he buys us all friendship bracelets from a nice young merchant girl. Wadewaket & Adam buy an Immovable rod from a strange salesman offering magical items. Bella bought a new set of studded leather armor from the Blacksmith’s shop. She also buys a bracelet to assist in her noble to combat gear changes and a sword that always remains clean from the strange salesman. We go to the keep and announce ourselves to the lady of the house much earlier than our originally agreed upon plan for dinner. Nevetta says she has a gift for Starke and leads us to the old armory where there is an ornate set of plate armor meant to be the gift for Starke. It is made of Adamantium and is one of the strongest metals that exists in this world. We learn through speaking with Nevetta that Eastvale is the capital city of this country and Mistshire is to the south of here. Starke gets the new armor [Adamantine Plate Armor] and he can no longer be critically hit. Skipping dinner, we decide to leave early to go to Mistshire. We leave on the 5th of September and travel by foot. At this rate we will arrive in Eastvale on the 7th. I disguise myself as a halfling again to avoid detection by others on the road. We decide to go to a bar in Eastvale as we pass by to find out what we can about MIstshire. We hear from locals that Mistshire has been very quiet. No messages checking on the town’s wellbeing have been answered in recent days. A woman we meet tells Starke that her mother is in Mistshire and she hasn’t heard back from her in quite a while. She offers us 20 gold in exchange for checking on her mother. Starke refuses the money and we leave Eastvale to continue traveling. Mistshire is in chaos when we arrive.

Session 4: 01/12/2022

Starke, Belladonna, Mr. Green, and I arrive in Pondhaven. It is getting late so we decide to visit the Black Barnacle Inn for food and rest. Speaking with the locals we find that just when it starts to gets dark, we should hear the alarm bells that alert the town of the Monsters rising from the water to attack anyone unlucky enough to be caught outside. Inside the Black Barnacle, we are approached by a stranger who tells me that she has met us once before. She introduces herself as Thia, we previously met when she was disguised as Mrs. Clause, and says she has been wandering alone after helping us in the fight against Krampus months ago. She still had the horns that back up her story. I reveal that it was only a couple of days ago for us and she seems upset. After catching up with her in the tavern and also meeting a nice Druid Human man and a quiet Gnomish woman, the bells that signal the arrival of the monsters start to ring. Looking out of the windows, Starke sees a halfling woman alone on the docks being approached by several Kuo-toa [fish people] who do not appear friendly. He rushes outside and all of us follow. There are 3 Kuo-toa and a giant crab that we begin to fight as the halfling woman runs away from the area. After killing off one of the Kuo-toa more monsters arrive; a Sea-Spawn, a Crocodile, and a Sahuagin appear and join the battle. Mr. Green and I take down the giant crab and begin to eat it. The Gnomish woman uses her magic to kill another of the Kuo-toa. The Druid man and Thia also take down their share of enemies including the Sahuagin, Crocodile, and the Sea-Spawn. In the middle of the battle, a Sea Hag appears. She frightens me, and I fall unconscious. Starke and the others battle the Sea-Hag, and she answers some of the questions that Starke asks during the battle. She reveals her name to be Mama Olga Wormgums and tells the party that she is part of Gertrude's coven. Starke is able to deal the final blow that kills the Hag.

Session 3: 12/29/21

Back to exactly when we left our wounds have been healed and we can resume our original plan of infiltrating the Crimson Scar Keep. We also still have our presents from Candy McSnowflake. The party attempts to sneak past the goblins on the first floor. However, Jill rolls a Natural 1 and we are spotted by the enemies. One of the enemies is Shuckruck himself. A shaman of Maglubiet casts a spell of invisibility on themselves. A Worg is locked in a cage against the right wall and appears to be trying to break out. Starke and I attempt to let the Worg free. Meanwhile, Jill is able to kill one of the enemies. A BugBear grabs me and throws me down a rotten hole in the floor. I end up in the basement near a door with several strange locks keeping it closed. I crawl back up to the main floor where the battle is still ongoing. I run over to the Warg cage and ask it in Goblin to help me in exchange for freeing them from the cage. He seems to accept and I start referring to him as Mr. Green. Nightshade [Belladonna's Rogue Persona] falls to unconsciousness after getting severely wounded by an enemy Goblin. Starke is able to revive her before falling unconscious himself. Luckily, Nightshade is able to revive him later. I kill the BugBear that threw me into the basement earlier and Mr. Green kills the Shaman who was previously invisible. Using his Divine Smite, Starke decapitates one of the enemies while Nightshade gets a Critical Hit using her Sneak Attack and Poisoned Dagger to kill the last of the enemies. I find a note on the dead body of Shuckruck the Terrible. It is signed by someone named Aunty Gertrude who writes about the murder of Starke's siblings and that she intends to use his Parents as sacrifices in a ritual she will be performing with her coven of Hags on the next full moon. The party is severely injured and fatigued so we decide to leave the keep and make camp somewhere safe for the night. After a long rest, we venture back to the keep. There are no more bodies; instead, long trails of blood lead to a door in the back of the room. First, we decide to go to the basement where I first saw the strange door. One of the locks has been taken off and is laying open on the floor. I knock on the door and something knocks back. Calling out to it in Goblin and Common we do not receive an answer. Starke uses his Divine Sense and is able to detect a fiend is behind the door. Starke takes the lock and replaces it on the door. I eat the key for safekeeping. We all leave the basement and go to the door on the first floor where the blood trails lead. Belladonna cracks open the door to reveal a Goblin Shaman singing a song to the God Maglubiet. Starke is enraged and kicks the door open beginning to interrogate the unsuspecting Shaman. He tells us that Gertrude Frogtooth is a Hag; she can be identified by the Goblin Skulls she uses to decorate herself. Apparently there are 3 Hags that make up her coven though he doesn't know who the others are. He also tells us there are at least 10 other goblins in the keep at this time. We kill the Shaman once he has no more information to give us. I take a strange Straw Doll off of him. The party leaves the keep and goes back to the town we came from. We ask John Anvilborne to go back to the keep and reinforce the door that the fiend is still locked behind. He agrees and tells us he will deal with the remaining goblins. Jill Anvilborne and Jack the Barbarian decide to part ways with us. The remaining party members agree to travel to Mistshire where the Hags are planning to sacrifice Starke's parents. On our travels, we are interrupted by a traveling merchant that tells us of monsters terrorizing a nearby town called Pondhaven. He says the town is cursed and to stay away. Starke says that we can't just leave these people to die, so we travel to Pondhaven to see if we can be of help.

Deck the Dungeons: 12/15/2021

A strange flurry of snow whisks Starke, Belladona, and I away from the Crimson Scar Keep to a new location. In a Wintery Wonderland type of village, we meet two people. They introduce themselves as Mrs. Clause, a cute plump old woman, and Dasher, a wood-elf ranger. Two strange knights walk up to all of us as we are introducing ourselves and ask us to assist in finding a man named Santa Clause, who has mysteriously gone missing. The Knight in bright shiny armor introduces himself as the "Holy Knight' and he refers to the other as 'Silent Knight'. They say their main suspect is Krampus; an evil creature who despises Christmas and loves to torture children. The knights lead us to a Christmas Elf named Candy McSnowflake who gives us all gifts to assist us in finding Santa Clause. Belladonna receives a Candy Cane Shiv that deals extra damage and Starke receives a Snowglobe that turns any terrain into difficult terrain. My gift is a Knock-Off Santa Hat that allows me to cast a spell if three conditions are met: 1) the spell deas frost damage, 2) has an appropriate spell slot available for use, and 3) succeeds a DC of 10 Arcana check for cantrips or a DC of 15 Arcana check for other spell levels [e.g. ice knife or ray of frost]. Suddenly, several evil snowmen appear to stop us from leaving to find Santa Clause. During combat, Starke meets a puppy and calls him Campbell's Soup. After defeating one of the snowmen, I steal a second Santa Hat [non-magical] and use both of my new hats to keep my ears warm. After these creatures are dealt with, the party decides to go and take a short rest in the nearby tavern. I decide to keep watch and alert the others if any more enemies come by to try to stop us. Sitting under a large Christmas tree in the middle of the village, I see more enemies approach. It appears to be Krampus, a Yeti, as well as some kind of Hag. I sneak away to the tavern to alert the party. The enemies are difficult and I call out to Hyrsam for help before falling to unconsciousness after getting hit by the Hag and the Yeti. Hyrsam appears and helps us win the battle. Mrs. Clause ends up killing Krampus by ripping out his horns and stabbing him with them. She appears to keep them both as a souvenir. The Yeti and Krampus were both killed but the Hag disappeared. Santa is found alive and the knights send us back to where we all came from via another flurry of snow.

Session 2: 12/01/2021

Starke Mancer is looking for recruits to assist him in locating his currently missing parents. A strange princess dressed in bright pink dress waltzes into the tavern and walks over the dead bodies of the former patrons and goblins that we killed after their surprise attack. She introduces herself as Belladonna. A strange fog covers the floor of the tavern around us; Hyrsam appears and tells me I have done well. Searching the bodies reveals that the goblins were part of the Crimson Scar tribe; they are led by a Hobgoblin named Shuckruck the Terrible. I am given an iron nail from the Blacksmith we saved; his name is John Anvilborne. His daughter, Jill Anvilborne, who assisted in killing all the enemy goblins joins our party to help us stop the Crimson Scar. The princess, Belladonna, found out that I am a goblin. The others still seem to believe I am actually a halfling named Kary. Our party decides to leave the tavern and search out the Crimson Scar Tribe. We find them at the keep nearby. There is a group of Crimson Scar goblins guarding the entrance of the keep. We stay hidden and see that the keep has windows on the 2nd and 4th floors of the corner towers. Belladonna and I decide to disguise the party as goblins to possibly blend in and sneak into the keep. Odd-One removes her halfling disguise and attempts to talk her way past the guards, However, Belladonna becomes impatient with all the talking and walks out of cover alerting the guards of the rest of the group. Combat begins. Jack the Barbarian rolls a Natural 20 and kills the first enemy with their Greatsword. An enemy rolls a Natural 20 and knocks Starke down to 0 HP. Jill is able to revive Starke and he starts attacking the enemy goblins again. ALl the enemy goblins we can see, except for 1 on the top of the right tower are killed. We enter the keep.


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