Drago Radazar

Drago Radazar is a weary Lieutenant in the Khadoran 2nd Army. He is tired, not physically, but mentally - his men are suffering privation and his superiors are locked in a bureaucratic dance that seems to never end. He hopes to retire his rank at the end of this, his second term of service.

Wealth & Financial state

Drago is commoner-born and has no titles, wealth, or rights beyond that he has earned in the Winter Guard. He considers it a point of pride, to have earned his way and pay by his own hands. To that end, he has stashed away a considerable amount of his pay to afford a nice farm when his service finally ends.

Grizzled Khardic Lieutenant. Leader of 3rd Force.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles

Drago has advanced to Lieutenant in the Khadoran Army.

Year of Birth
572 AR 35 Years old
Aligned Organization


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