Fair Meadow Fair Report in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

Fair Meadow Fair

General Summary

So here we are in Fair Meadows, after a 2 days ride from Kalaman. Ti'ock chose to stay in our roomfor today and rest after being consumed by the Behir and having to cut his way out from the inside on our way to Fair Meadows from Kalaman. I think he has a bad case of ex-digestion (as opposed toindigestion, ex-digestion is caused by something eating you, ha ha).   Mirra and I were sitting at a table in the crowded inn waiting for the Mayor Fromm to show up and introduce himself when a stranger walked up and asked if he could sit at the table with us. His name is Ra Di Gas, a human, and he is a specialized type of wizard. Originally from somewhere in the Far East, but has been living in the area for some time now. He said that he is something called a Wu Jen, that specializes in water-based spells. He said that he is attuned to nature in some way, so be it. He stated that he prefers to live in the wilderness and keep to themselves, which is another good mark in the books as far as I am concerned.   In the inn there is almost constant chattering going on, people were talking as if everyone for the next 3 tables were supposed to hear what they were saying. Lots of talk anticipating the speech from someone called Khardra, commonly known as the “Doer of Good Deeds”, that is supposed to happen at 5 o’clock on the stage that is set up in town for the fair. It sounds like he has much respect in the surrounding area.   There was also a lot of talk about the strange disappearance of the good Dragons. This has everyone worried. I don’t think everyone would be so worried if the evil Dragons were also disappearing, but that is not the case. In conversations with Mirra, Ti’ock and now Ra Di Gas about the Dragons, I didn’t realize until this point, that this was happening across all of Ansalon. I was aware of this happening in Solamnia and thought it to be just a local issue, but if this is happening everywhere, I am beginning to see why Kiri-Jolith has instructed me to go on this quest.
Report Date
26 May 2023
Primary Location
EstWilde Regional
Ra Di Gas then brought out his familiar, Pagos, a weasel. I was a little worried that Lady might think it was a meal for her, but she wasn’t even interested or appeared to be threatening to it. She seemed to be content and comforted by the attention that I was giving her. Obviously, she understands things even at her young age. She must have had a great Mother that trained her well that not everything was to be considered a threat, or a plaything.   After breakfast, the mayor came in and introduced the vice-mayor to show us around town, bring us to the town council meeting and insure we were taken care of, since we were his guests. He also offered Ra Di Gas a bunk in the same room as the rest of us, since we were all there apparently for the same reason. She brought us to the council meeting which began with arguments over several little things that were of no interest to either Mirra or I. Border disputes, mining disputes, and then something that seemed interesting that a Red Dragon Army was on the Nordmaar Border. Finally, something of interest, but that also ended with a dispute on whether to prepare for an invasion or not, but was tabled until the next meeting.   They then broke for lunch, which was provided at least. After lunch the council was going to discuss things like water disputes. Mirra and I were having a hard time staying interested in the discussions, much less just staying awake during them, so the vice-mayor offered to show the two of us around town while water discussions seemed to pique the interest of Ra Di Gas and he decided to stay.   Mirra and I saw various things around the fair. A band consisting of Knights of Solamnia, Order of the Rose , were playing a melody while in full armor. How comfortable that was I don’t know, but they were doing an excellent job.   We noticed a large tarp covering something behind the stage. When I tried to approach the tarp, I was met by several guards and was told that I was not allowed to approach any further. Respectfully I backed off and did not try to confront them as we were guests in the town.   Then we heard screaming coming from a tent close by. We could quickly determine the these were screams of fun and laughter. We decided to investigate anyway. Inside the tent was a large table. On this table sat a rather enormous toad. The game consisted of someone buying a die, placing a bet, and seeing if they beat the house, or if the toad attacked and swallowed the die. We watched for a couple of turns and then I decided to try my chances. Really I just wanted to see the toad eat the die, and the coin was just the cost of the entertainment. After a couple of rounds of losing, Mirra decided to take some turns. She was going back and forth with wins and losses, but never got the toad to swallow her die. After a couple of more players, we finally go to see the toad eat a die and the whole tent arose in laughter and cheers!   After wandering around the fair a little longer we found a tug-of-war game that was needing 1 more player before beginning. Mirra quickly decided to participate. Each team consisted of 6 people pulling the rope over a huge mud pit. I think Mirra’s team was on the losing side, but things could have changed at any moment. We were never to find out who would be the winner.   During the match, we heard a disturbance of people screaming, not due to laughter or fun, but to shock and dismay. We quickly ran to the area of commotion and saw what appeared to be, a wooden table, carpet,sword, and knife seemingly to be floating in the air attacking people. They had fallen out of an upset cart that was pulled by a terrified goat.   Mirra quickly ran into the center of battle and began attacking the sword as it looked like it was the most threatening. I cast a spell where I could call lightning down upon the items, but stay at a distance and Ra Di Gas started casting a spell as well. While Mirra was taking care of the sword, the table started attacking an older elven woman since she was the closest target, so I targeted the table to either draw its attention and have it attack me instead of the woman. The table would not leave the woman until she was down and dying.   Ra Di Gas was attacked by the carpet which quickly wrapped him up and began to squeeze the life out of him. Mirra took care of the sword and knife and then began attacking the table and helped me finish it off. As she was then fighting the legs of the table I ran over, healed the elven woman so she could escape, and resumed attacking the legs of the table. After the sword, knife and table were taken card of we noticed that Ra Di Gas had fallen in his battle with the carpet, so while Mirra fought the carpet, I ran over and healed Ra Di Gas.   Mirra was taking significant damage as it was all she could do to push the carpet off of her before it rewrapped around her to cause more damage. She eventually pushed the carpet away from her once again after becoming enraged and I was allowed to strike it and it fell into pieces at my feet.   During the battle I had noticed a Brass Dragon flying over the fair the same direction as the goat had been running. After the battle I had gone over to talk to the goat who told me that a “two-leg” had attached her to the cart. She was terrified and wouldn’t say much more. I wondered if she had been consumed by Dragon fear, because she was terrified beyond belief. But I thought that Brass Dragon’s were good, why would it cause this problem in the city? Maybe it was chasing off another Dragon?   After the battle I told Mirra and Ra Di Gas what I had seen and told them that maybe we shouldn’t tell others to limit the fear of Dragons being in the area. I am still trying to decide if telling the mayor or Khardra is a good idea. I am wondering if Khardra will join us on this quest to find out what is happening with the disappearance of the good Dragons or maybe help guide us in what we our next step should be.   At least I know the direction that the Brass Dragon was heading, if nothing else, maybe follow the Dragon?


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