The Loss of a War Hero Report in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

The Loss of a War Hero

General Summary

What is that monstrosity lurching out of the woods? I've never seen anything like it before. It must be over forty feet long.   Wait, why is Ti'ock aiming his bow toward a frightened and fleeing deer? Damn fool! Now is the time for fighting, not hunting! And why is Ra Di Gas hiding behind the boulder? We do not have the luxury for timidity!   Well, it looks like Bing IronBlade will have to save the day. I shouldn't hold it against them, really. They are all so young. I have meditated for years and have tens of thousands of sword form hours, all in the honor of Kiri-Jolith. It would be foolish of me to expect the others to share my discipline and bravery.   Regardless, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll just charge with my lance and hit the maw of the beast square on. It should succumb quite easily. And it will be glorious. I look forward to writing my Legion of Steel situational report concerning this incident. I hope Garth Steel-Blade reads it personally, that egotistical upstart. Today, I will show Garth what true valor is. Your party always comes first. Their safety is paramount. They are in need. And I am their last defense.
Report Date
21 Jul 2023
EstWilde Regional
Come now Triton . Onward to Battle!   Triton, what's wrong? Heed now. I said ... Come now Triton! What is the matter? To Battle! To Battle!   Egads, this overgrown crocodile is farther away than I estimated. Triton, gallop more smoothly please. My back and knees are aching. Yes, yes, I know, you are already galloping as smoothly as the terrain allows, I was just mentioning it. And no, I didn't mean to insult your gait.   Wait, what is that overhead? Do you see that Triton, to the right!. Glorious! It's a summoned hippogriff. Must be from that wilding wizard hiding behind a boulder.
See Triton! I told you. He is no coward. Strange though, but no coward!   Triton, look to the left! A celestial eagle! Ha, maybe a cousin of yours? No? Look at it, it is magnificent. The celestial eagle is most likely innately drawn to me, right Triton? Why? Because of my purity and valor, of course. To Battle!
  The white eagle must have been summoned from where Oriana Salali stands. She is most brave and capable. A true warrior and peer. So much unlike Ti'ock, still foolishly pointing to his felled deer and jumping up and down and waving his arms. What a strange person.   We are almost there Triton. Brace yourself ... brace yourself .... breathe one, breathe two, breathe three .... THUD! Hah! A direct hit! See Triton? I told you not to worry. The mighty beast will surely fall. It's blood will nourish the flora. The circle of life, am I right Triton? I almost feel sorry for the overgrown iguana.
  Wait, what is this? AHHHHH. AHHHHHHH. My knee. My knee. Oh god. The beast has hold of my bad knee. Argghhh! It hurts. Kiri-Jolith, save me! Wait, what is happening. It can't be. The beast thinks to swallow me. No, it cannot be! I can't end like this. No!
  The acid. I can't see a damn thing. Ouch! Damn. The acid. My armor will lose its sheen. I'm bleeding. Where am I? It is getting hard to breathe. I must stop screaming to conserve my energy. This burning acid is eating my skin away. Calm down Bing, your party will save you. They put their trust in you, now you put their trust in them. They won't let you down.   What is this not-fit for the barbeque lizard from the Nine Hells doing now? It feels like we're sliding down a cliff. It's growing dim.   Wait a minute. Could it be? Was Ti'ock trying to lure away the beast and not hunting for dinner after-all? Yes. Yes! That was the scout's plan all along. Argh. I'm such a fool! I am not fit for Knight Centurion. I am no hero. I am nothing but a small man in the belly of an eye-ball licking soft shell.   Kiri-Jolith? Is that you? Please welcome me to your realm. I am sorry. I have failed. But I have killed 176 draconians in your honor. Err, maybe it was 136? And I suffer every day with the aftermath of those battles. Pain in my hip. It burns when I bend my knee in the morning, like a hot brand against flesh.   I don't feel well. Acid in my eyes and my mouth. And my knee and my back are in agony; when will this this rough scaled, snake blood, hatchling of a gecko, false-dragon serpent from the Nine Hells stop moving!  
I'm close now, Kiri-Jolith. And I'll miss you Triton! You have been so dear to me. Thank you for your loyal service. And I know who you really are. I know dear friend. And I am honored and humbled that you chose to kneel for me.   I have barely enough strength for one more pierce into the gut of this abomination with my Great Sword of Frost. If only I can find its gizzard. This thing probably has a gizzard, right? And .. it is done. It seems not to have done much damage. Pity. I spent a king's ransom on this sword just a few moons ago. I wonder if the Barbarian will find a use for it. She seems worthy.   So many draconians left. So many... not like this. Please. Not. Like. Thissssssssssssssssssssssssssss.   And there is silence.   And there is peace.   And then.   There Is Nothing . . . . . . .  
Sudden and sharp inhale of breath ...
  By the gods, What am I?


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