Episode 8: Spiders in the Mines Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Episode 8: Spiders in the Mines

General Summary

Family Obligations

  Before the fellowship departs Rhosgobel Monin receives a letter, sent some months ago by his brother Narvi.  
Brother, the more boisterous members of our clan plan to attend the Festival of the Five Armies this year. We would meet with you and learn your news from Rhovanion. We will be staying at The Drunkenstone (costs a pretty-penny) and look forward to tales and revelry. Do write to the old dwarf. He does miss you. Your brother, Narvi
  Monin resolves to travel to The Festival to meet his clan and invites his comrades to accompany him.  

Of Wizards, Armies and a Threat to Rhovanion

  On the first day of Midyear the fellowship head out of Rhosgobel in a squall on their long walk to Mountain Hall to investigate the sounds in the mines. The squall passes after a day and most of the journey to Trader's Island is uneventful.   One day out from The Anduin the fellowship have a strange meeting with a Wizard called Gandalf the Grey, who Hathus confirms is a very special and knowledgeable fellow.  
I am called Gandalf the Grey by some, my good travellers. I have had counsel with Radagast the Brown and am investigating a new Darkness in Southern Rhovanion. I understand that you have helped Radagast the Brown with this errand too. Discovered an evil artifact thought long buried I hear. I thank you.
I have learned whispers of rumours that a force is mustering in Dorwinion and plans to march north. It may eventually threaten the Marches, perhaps even Esgaroth, Dale and the halls of your folk, master Dwarf.
  Once the party explain their mission to help Hartfast, the wizard considers once again before ending the conversation with:  
Once you have finished your work there, get yourselves to Dale for the Festival. It's a hike, but you look like you are not unaccustomed to a wander in the wilderness. There will be much news shared by many wise folk at Dale. We will need stout-hearted men to do what they can. I sense the River Running will be pivotal in halting any army from Dorwinion. Hmm, yes. Farewell one and all. Time is a-marching.
  With the exception of an ancient forgotten statue obscured in an old spinney, which depicts a woman (missing her head) with large wings on her back, clutching a wreath, the rest of the journey is uneventful.  

Mine Investigation

  The fellowship are irritable on arrival, tired and despondent after their journey, but meet with the old leader of Mountain Hall nonetheless. Hartfast volunteers that the sounds in the mines have not really become more concerning and invites Monin and his fellows to speak with the miners in the dining hall if they want more information before investigating in the morning.   Monin discovers a few tidbits, but one fascinating piece of news that leaves him itching to delve into the depths.  
1) Tapping noises are a long way below, but almost constant. 2) Tapping noises are a long way below, but almost constant. 3) A miner discovered a piece of silver with 'Khazad-dûm' engraved on it and a year, '748'.
  The first level of the mine is comprised of a few test excavations and storage and changing areas. The group descend to the lower level of the mine to investigate the strange noises, using an ancient windlass and shaft that descends some 70' before reaching firm rock again. After another hour of exploration of some recent dig sites, the fellowship discover two areas of particularly well disguised stone carved to match the stone of the wall. Thirty minutes, and a judicious use of a pair of pickaxes by Monin and Arahad, and they break through the southern section of wall to a very old, and very organised mine complex. Arahd is convinced he hears sounds of skittering behind the Eastern fake wall.   Monin is very excited to note the signs of tried-and-true Dwarven artistry everywhere he looks and the fellowship push on, their light bouncing off the ancient walls.  
Dwarven statue inscription.
During the exploration of passages to the South they discover a granite Dwarven statue interlaced with brass detail. It seems to be a male dwarf holding a downward-pointing bellows. A plinth below the statue displays the following words, in Khuzdul:  
Breath Easy Friends. Brarhor Son of Grudum
  Hathus investigates the statue and discovers that the arms and bellows are designed to move. He slowly moves the bellows together and senses some immense weight shifting deep underneath him, before Arahad hears the faint sound of gurgling water in the depths. Hathus gingerly moves the arms of the statue apart again and the noise abates.   They head to a northern area, where they encounter a nest of vicious large spiders who, although initially wary of their light sources and two deadly bow shots from Sigmarr and Arahad, eventually leap from the shadows of the ceiling to attack.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
19 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Source: Wolfshield Games 

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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