In the shadow of the mountains A Darkness in the Marshes
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A Darkness in the Marshes



News has come to Radagast the Brown of a growing danger somewhere west of The Anduin. The Orcs who attacked the Lady Irimë were in league with this mysterious threat, as were the outlaws who attacked the land of the Beornings.

The company meet with Radagast the Brown in his home at Rhosgobel, where the wizard explains his concerns and asks the companions to investigate.   The company travel from Rhosgobel to Mountain Hall. Along the way, they spy traces of the enemy’s movements.   The company arrive at Mountain Hall, and meet with Hartfast, the chieftain. He has his own troubles with Goblin attacks, and can spare little time for the company’s questions. He does point the company towards the Gladden Fields, saying that some of his hunters have spoken of strange sights in that unpleasant land.   The company travel through the noisome swampy terrain of the Gladden Fields. After several days of arduous travel, they find eerie ruins atop a stony hill.   The company meet an escaped slave and battle the Orcs who hunt him. He relates his tale, and reveals the location of a secret route into The Dwimmerhorn.   The company enter the fort by a secret goat track and spy on the enemy. They learn that the enemy’s plans involve a powerful and ancient relic.   The company flee the fort. They are pursued across the Gladden Fields and the vales of Anduin to Mountain Hall.   After a well-earned period of rest and reflection at Rhosgobel, the company discover that the enemy has withdrawn from its fastness. The company must have discovered the enemy before he was ready to reveal himself...   They return to Mountain Hall to fulfill a promise made to Hartfast and investigate the mines, where they defeat a nasty nest of giant spiders in a long-forgotten dwarven mine-workings.   Episode 1: A restless Winter and a new threat over the Anduin
Episode 2: The Harrowed Hall and Rumours of a New Threat in the Gladden Fields
Episodes 3 & 4: In Search of The Dwimmerhorn
Episode 5: Dwimmerhorn Discovered
Episode 6: The Spirit of an Old Enemy
Episode 7: The Shadow of the Future
Episode 8: Spiders in the Mines
Episode 9: The Horror on the Bridge
Episode 10: The last of the spiders and a rich reward