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Succubus Cove



Quick Glance

Size: 231,500 sq ft (21,507 sq metres)

Population: 100 Succubi

Parent Location: Qada Agir

Location Type: Lush Meadow

Main Features: Different-coloured grass, giant fruit-bearing tree, large colourful berry bushes.

Resources: Colourful berries, juicy fruits and tree sap.
Succubus Cove is a lush green-blue-and-violet meadow with a hot spring, a giant fruit-bearing tree in the center and large colourful bushes populating and surrounding it. From above, it looks as though someone poured colourful dye all over an ordinary meadow, transforming it into a colourful wonder of nature.

Succubus Cove by CoolG1319


The tree in the center of the hot spring is over 21 feet tall (640 cm) with large and colourful heart-shaped and ball-shaped fruits growing from its leaves. Its thick trunk is filled with thin but juicy sap suitable for drinking (but only after the impurities are removed).

The only creatures that live here are the Succubi, who derive their food from the meadow's bushes and the giant fruit-bearing tree, and their water from the tree's sap. They also lay their fetuses in the grass to develop.
The bushes in the meadow come in various colours, from fiery orange to dark indigo, and grow large and juicy sweet-smelling berries whose colours range from yellow to black.

Ecosystem Cycles

Conditions in the meadow stay about the same throughout the year, but in the summertime, the flora fully bear their delicious fruit and the succubi gather them to eat. Additionally, the sap of the fruit-bearing tree is the thinnest, making it suitable for drinking.

Localized Phenomena

Succubus Cove is the only place in the Qada Agir that experiences some seasonal change (the environment only changes in the summer, but still!)

Another unique trait is that its grass affects the colour of the succubi fetuses developing on it. For example, fetuses growing on the blue grass portion end up with skin colours ranging from light blue to dark indigo; those developing on the purple portion have skin colours varying from hot pink to dark purple and even red and orange.


The climate around the meadow is pretty stable and the only change that occurs, albeit rarely, is a fairly light breeze.

Natural Resources

  • Sap, leaves and fruits from the fruit-bearing tree
  • Berries from the bushes

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Qada Agir 
Tree Sap


  • Succubus Cove
    Succubus Cove is a lush green-blue-and-violet expanse of land with a hot spring and giant fruit-bearing tree in the center and large colourful bushes populating and surrounding it. It is also the home of the succubi.
Alternative Name(s)
Succubus Meadow, Succubus Region
Location under
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species
This article and its map is an entry in the MAPril unofficial challenge by Tillerz!
MAPril 2024 Badge by Tillerz using MJ

Cover image: Succubus Cove by CoolG1319


Author's Notes

All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)
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