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Sael (sell)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sael is healthy and agile, with a strong, muscular, dog-like body and two animal heads.

Body Features

He is a large  Beast with two heads (one wolf head and one lion head), the front legs of a wolf and the back legs of a cat.

Facial Features

Sael's lion head has a bright teal mane, a brown nose, pale red eyes and a missing canine, while his dog head has a long muzzle, a dark grey nose, a blue eye and an orange eye.

Special abilities

He can breathe red fire out of his dog head and cyan lava out of his lion head.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sael was born much smaller than his counterparts, causing him to be ridiculed by his peers. Throughout his early life, he was extremely lonely and unhappy, having no friends or family to comfort him and call his own. His unending loneliness and ridicule manifested into absolute reclusion from and aggression towards anyone who attempted to approach him; he was content with spending the rest of his life alone.

Then one fateful day, as he was brooding in a dark cave, he sensed someone approaching and immediately went into attack mode, snarling, growling, barking and roaring at the two succubi in front of him; the smaller one cowered behind the larger one, who remained unfazed. The larger succubus reached out to touch Sael, but he quickly recoiled and made to bite off her hand. Suddenly, the succubus grabbed one of his noses and held him down, shocking him into submission. She then gently stroked his heads with both hands, introduced herself as  Kathy and told him her about what happened to her after her birth then reassured him that he would no longer be alone. This kind gesture moved Sael, this being the first time he had felt any semblance of warmth from anything. From that moment, he became incredibly loyal to and protective of Kathy and vowed to remain by her side for the rest of his life.

The full story is  here

Intellectual Characteristics

Sael can adequately distinguish between certain emotions, but cannot properly differentiate between guilt and nervousness. He's also capable of understanding speech and commands and can choose whether or not to follow them.

Personality Characteristics


To stay loyal to Kathy and protect her at all costs.


Contacts & Relations

Sael is very friendly and loyal towards Kathy.


He is extremely aggressive toward those he isn't loyal to.


He is unable to talk.



Companion (Important)

Towards Kathy




Object of loyalty and protection (Trivial)

Towards Sael




Sael and Kathy met when the latter came across the former and approached him. Sael responded with immediate aggression but then calmed down after Kathy comforted him. They developed a bond of mutual trust with Sael vowing to stay by her side and protect her.

Relationship Reasoning

Sael chose to be by Kathy's side because she was the first living being to comfort him, while Kathy stayed with Sael so he wouldn't be forever alone.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Kathy enjoys riding Sael to places (when she doesn't feel like flying) and Sael enjoys being ridden by her.

Shared Secrets

They can't exactly share secrets because Sael can't speak and he probably won't fully understand what Kathy says.

Related Articles

Finding Sael 
Lawful Loyal
Current Status
Living with Kathy
Current Location
Date of Birth
07e Cotmeh 1774 PS
Year of Birth
1774 PS 250 Years old
Pale red (lion head one orange, one blue (wolf head)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Short, black fur; bright teal mane (lion head)
6 feet
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Author's Notes

This is a work in progress; more will come soon!  

All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)
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