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Keepers of the Light

The Keepers of the Light are the leaders of The Circle of Guiding Light, a religion that reveres the god Arawn - God of Death and promotes balance, harmony, and respect for all living things in the Court of the Withered. The Keepers are the elders of the religion, responsible for protecting the relics and hidden holy temples, like Temple of Eternal Light that The Circle of Eternal Death abandoned, which now serve as the Keepers' headquarters.   The Keepers operate in secrecy, as The Circle of Eternal Death considers them heretics and would likely execute them if they were discovered. As such, the Keepers have a small, tight-knit organizational structure that emphasizes loyalty, discipline, and devotion to their faith. They seek to uphold the tenets of the Circle of Guiding Light and to preserve their religion's traditions and practices in a world dominated by the Circle of Eternal Death.


The Keepers of the Light operate in a very small and tight-knit group, so their organizational structure is relatively simple. At the top is the High Keeper, who serves as the leader of the group and is responsible for making decisions and setting policies. Below the High Keeper are a small number of senior members who serve as advisors and assist with decision-making.   In addition to the senior members, there are also a small number of initiates who are being trained to become full-fledged Keepers of the Light. These initiates are carefully selected and trained in secret by the senior members.   Due to the nature of their work and the fact that they operate in secret, the Keepers of the Light do not have a large bureaucracy or complex organizational structure. Instead, they rely on trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to their faith and mission to guide their actions.

Public Agenda

The Keepers of the Light are a secretive organization that operates in the shadows, and as such, they do not have a public agenda. They are focused on preserving the teachings and relics of the Circle of Guiding Light and preventing them from falling into the wrong hands. Their primary goal is to protect and guide those who seek the wisdom and guidance of the Circle, while also safeguarding its traditions and knowledge from those who would use them for nefarious purposes.   To the outside world, the Keepers of the Light may appear as scholars, researchers, or collectors of ancient artifacts, but their true mission and beliefs are known only to those they deem worthy of trust. They operate in secret, and their activities are kept hidden from the public eye to avoid persecution by the Court of the Withered, who view the Circle of Guiding Light as heretics.


The Keepers of the Light have several assets at their disposal, including hidden temples and relics that were once part of the Circle of Eternal Death but are now under their protection. They also have a network of trusted individuals who aid them in their mission, such as spies and informants who provide them with valuable information.   Additionally, the Keepers of the Light possess knowledge of ancient rituals and spells that have been passed down through the generations. They also have access to powerful artifacts that have been imbued with the energy of Arawn and can aid them in their endeavors.   Despite their small numbers, the Keepers of the Light have considerable resources at their disposal, which they use to further their cause and protect their beliefs from those who would seek to destroy them.


According to the lore, the Keepers of the Light were founded during a time of great darkness and chaos in the Court of the Withered. The exact date of their formation is unclear, as much of the Court's history from that time is lost to the ages. However, it is believed that the Keepers of the Light were established in secret by a group of devout followers of The Circle of Guiding Light who refused to abandon their faith in favor of The Circle of Eternal Death.   The Keepers of the Light initially operated in secret, hidden away in underground temples and forgotten ruins throughout the Court, only a few members remaining. Over time, they grew in number as more and more joined the Circle of Guiding Light. They saw themselves as protectors of the true faith, and their primary goal was to preserve the sacred relics and knowledge of their religion.   As the Circle of Eternal Death gained power and influence in the Court, the Keepers of the Light became more organized and began to form a limited hierarchy of leadership to better protect their faith. Despite the danger posed by the Circle of Eternal Death, the Keepers of the Light remained steadfast in their beliefs and continued to spread the teachings of the Circle of Guiding Light in secret.   Today, the Keepers of the Light operate as a secretive organization, with only a select few trusted members aware of the location of their hidden temples and relics. They remain committed to preserving their faith and protecting it from those who would seek to destroy it.
Religious, Other


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