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Deirdre Bevan (deer-druh bev-an)

Enduring Princess Bevan (a.k.a. Dee)

Deirdre Bevan is a 20 year old high fae female that is an identical twin to Sersha Bevan. Together both twins are set to inherit the court of the enduring from their mother. The queen, their mother, is a narcissist that is afraid for the twins to take over as they are not as easily controlled as their little sister Daere Bevan. Deirdre has had a very traumatic childhood. Her father died when she was young but he routinely put her in harm's way with his addictions. Deirdre is never good enough for her mother and their relationship is very strained. She wants the imaginary version of the mother she knows she deserves but doesn't have. Deirdre is very headstrong, people pleasing, and determined. Due to a significant amount of trauma, she is very good at compartmentalizing her pain and finds it easy to shut down her own emotions when needed for survival. Deirdre desperately wants to be loved and supported. She wants to be accepted and happy, mostly because she struggles with a considerable amount of guilt and control issues. She feels at home in the storm of chaos because that's all she's really known in her life. She hates when her mother calls her the family screw up. Deirdre wants a future that will help her escape her bleak reality and she is not afraid of working hard to get there. Determined, intelligent, kind, generous, sarcastic, and funny are words that describe Deirdre. She can be over eager, too trusting, codependent, emotional, spiteful, and holds grudges deeply. She loves her twin sister but thinks that she is the cause of her pain because the Queen, their mother, constantly tells her that it is her fault. Deirdre trusts too many people too quickly because she desperately wants to feel the love of a family. She doesn't like Daere and is often jealous of the love she gets from Deirdre's mother. Deirdre often finds herself in complicated and dangerous situations with men where she leaves herself open to being taken advantage of for being naive.   Deirdre enjoys adventures into the wilderness that get her away from the palace. She views these as escapes from her bleak reality that she knows exists but finds easier to put in the back of her mind to cope. She may be seen as wild and spontaneous to her peers in the court. She finds that being spontaneous as a way to have some semblance of control over her day that she is so desperate to maintain as it is routinely taken by her mother. She is often seen as kind and funny but can also be seen as vindictive and abrasive to those she does not get along well with. She does not like people who try to control her and hold her back. This is an inner struggle she has because she is also a people-pleaser. Deirdre often rushes quickly into relationships and dives head first without thinking. She cannot stand to be alone and thinks that being with the wrong person is better than being alone. She is very rarely without friendships and makes friends easily. She is supportive of her friends and is a shoulder for those she cares about. Deirdre often compartmentalizes her trauma and chooses to acknowledge her feelings but not feel them if she can help it. She is an expert at shutting down when the emotional scales tip her too close to the edge. Deirdre has many places in her past that she cannot remember, that are shut off in her brain. She also experiences anxiety attacks and near crippling depression at times of great stress. To her there is no distinction between good stress and bad stress, both leave her feeling numb at times. She has a low self esteem and self worth. She also struggles with intense abandonment issues, even on a friend level. Deirdre will go into panic mode when she thinks someone is mad at her or is going to leave her, physically or figuratively. In general, she wants to be important and successful in some way. She wants her life to matter and thinks this will help her feel the love of others, including her mother. While always attempting to avoid altercations, she shakes and stammers in the face of direct conflict. Her mind and emotions go in slow motion and she has a hard time developing strong thoughts she can properly communicate until the perceived threat has left. Sersha and Deirdre understand and love one another deeply. They are twin flame souls and rely heavily on one another for support. They might get on one another's nerves at times but they always navigate those waters easily. The two of them see the other as one of the rare constants in life and are one another's safe spaces. They can be themselves and confide in eachother without limits. Deirdre needs Sersha as a sounding board for choices as she trusts Sersha more than herself. As children, the rest of the world thought they had their own language. They are best friends and partners in life. Deirdre is a natural born leader and often thrives in leadership roles. She is not against leading the court and sees this as a way to prove her value and worth to herself and the rest of the world. In the story, she is going to struggle with guilt, abandonment, self worth, self value, self esteem, being too trusting, being too open, people pleasing, manipulative behavior, control issues, numbness, depression, anxiety, and a host of traumatic experiences. All of these things will culminate and will make her into a understanding, caring, strong willed, female that loves herself.   Deirdre values words of affirmation and quality time. She appreciates hearing compliments and words of encouragement from her partner, and she also enjoys spending quality time with them, such as going on adventures or exploring new places together. Additionally, since she struggles with abandonment issues, physical touch and acts of service are also be important to her, as they can provide a sense of security and reassurance.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsive and reckless behavior A temper and a willingness to argue/fight for what she wants A tendency towards perfectionism, which can lead to indecisiveness A tendency to be sneaky or manipulative in order to get what she wants Struggles with body image issues and a tendency towards self-criticism


Deirdre Bevan

Identical Twin

Towards Sersha Bevan


Sersha Bevan

Identical Twin

Towards Deirdre Bevan


Deirdre Bevan


Towards Daere Bevan


Daere Bevan


Towards Deirdre Bevan


Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Identical Twin
Parents (Adopting)
Sersha Bevan (Identical Twin)
Daere Bevan (Sister)
Grey, Hooded
Long, wavy, Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
185 lbs, mid-size
Aligned Organization


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