Aoudro Illioum Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Aoudro Illioum

Aoudro Baelfire Illioum (a.k.a. Dro / Bael)

A New World

A 6-year-old big brother to 2-year-old twins was an exciting time. Knowing that he would always have someone to play with. Always have someone to look after him and someone he could look after. Even with this young developing mind, he was able to grasp that life was going to be some grand adventure and he was looking forward to every step of it. His mother being a Dark Elf taught him a good number of things except for information about the Underdark and where she came from but the little bits of under-common he heard and learned from here kept him fascinated. His father being a Human soldier thought him how to be strong and persevere through life no matter the obstacles. These lessons and fascinations seem all but impressive for a parent-child relationship, everyone teaches their kids little bits of things as it is just how parenting works. But before his 7th birthday, he learned all too well how important those lessons were. The life in Faerun wasn't the best life for a Dark Elf living on the overworld, Not many people trusted them, and even more sought out to kill them. Aoudro's mother was no exception and he comes to realize that abruptly. While the family was taking their mid-day break Aoudro just helped get the twins sleeping and went to lie down himself when he heard the glass break. He immediately changes his step to go investigate. Creeping down the stairs he can hear more glass shattering and the sound of screaming coming from outside. This was a raid, he thought. Not the first one they have been through but still scary nonetheless. He rushes back up the steps and gathers the twins and places them in the crawlspace so they will be saved. Before he hops in himself he hears his mother scream. Jumping into action he closes the crawl space and races downstairs grabbing the wooded daggers his father was training him with. As he gets to the area where he heard the scream he sees two tall hooded figures in a fight with his mother. He rushes in and starts to swing to get them off of her. One of them turns around and the sight of another Dark Elf makes him stumble. The elf swiftly kicks Aoudro to the side and he hits the wall and falls to the ground. At this moment his mother screams again and blasts the two elves away with a Thunderous clap. As she rushes over to help Aoudro she gets blindsided by a third Dark Elf. Aoudro does his best to get back up and help her but the first two were up and active again. One goes to hit him again and he swiftly dodges it and slams his dagger in the elf's kneecap dropping him to the ground. He lists the dagger up high and goes for the head until he receives a sudden shock to the back of his head and the room starts to fade to black. As his eyes opened and close as he fights to keep fighting he can see he is upside-down moving away and can see his father and mother fighting side by side while surrounded by these Dark Elves. He tries to say something or move or anything but his body isn't responding. Then he is out. He wakes up tied to a wagon and inside of a cave. Sitting up and looking around trying to fight the disorientation he tries to yell for his mom and dad but soon realizes he has also been gagged. His head throbbing from that last hit he took he does his best to take in what is happening. All he can tell he is moving lower and lover underground into this cave system. There are a few others asleep, tied and gagged just as he is. Some more time passes as he struggles to unsuccessfully get free then he finally sees some light coming from ahead, then the cave opens up and he looks over the side of the wagon and he can see a large city in the cave. Scared yet also amazed he looks around to see everything he can. This was mind-blowing, he never knew such a thing could exist, but his excitement was ended abruptly when they got to their location. The Dark Elf driving the cart get out and head to the back yelling in a language he can faintly recall as the Undercommon his mom was teaching him, they cut the ties and start throwing the waking people off the back. Aoudro hits the ground and looks around. Surrounded by a group of Drow they start to take different people and shackle them together and leading them off. Thus begins his life of slavery in the Underdark.  

The Savior


Hobbies & Pets

Shadow -  Fox(Umbreon) Henry - Parrot Play - Imp Molly - Cat Breath - Wolf Snow - Wolf Myst - Wolf


Ore'Anna Illioum

Wife (Vital)

Towards Aoudro Illioum



Aoudro Illioum

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ore'Anna Illioum



Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
25th of Vlažna, 1284
Year of Birth
1284 EOC 31 Years old
Current Residence
The Untamed Amazon
Emerald Green
White and Messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'11" or 155.75 cm
190lbs or 86.18kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Don't hold your breath"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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