The Jungle Kingdom Organization in Instauro | World Anvil

The Jungle Kingdom

Unlike the other kingdoms, the Jungle Kingdom is not controlled by a Lord or Lady. This Place is too wild and too magical to be controlled. The true power lies in the 3 ancient guardians who protect the kingdom. These guardians lie dormant until an imbalance is felt. Though the names of the three guardians are not known, they are referred to as: The Guardian of the Tree, The Guardian of the Waters, and the Guardian of the Land.   Long ago, a deal was made with the guild that "Protectors" or Guild Ambassadors could be assigned to the land. These Jungle Protectors handle the day to day dealings with residents, issues...needs...but they do not control the Jungle. The Jungle controls itself.  

Guardian of the Trees


Tree of Life

  Standing tall above all the other trees in the region, it is the original life. Every race that is native to the area can be traced back to the tree in some way. The roots of the tree spread all around the kingdom, somehow providing a form of transportation unique to the kingdom. The life created by the tree is magical are given magical properties from creation. The large river runs through the tree, becoming magical because of it, able to heal wounds and cure diseases with just a couple of drops. Legend has it that during times of trouble, a soft musical humming can be heard emitting from the tree - only then do the guardians awaken.    

Guardian of the Waters

Residing inside the largest waterfall on the continent, this guardian cares for the rivers, streams, and rains of the lands. When called by the guardian of the trees, a rumble can be felt as the guardian emerges from the waterfall - taking his place beside the Guardian of the Tree  

Guardian of the Lands

This ancient dragon is a sight that not many seen. A dragon fashioned from living trees and vines. He often patrols the skies, and resides on the sides of the jutting jungle ravines..completely camouflaged inside the Jungle landscape. Some say that you may even walk on the guardian and never know.


The Tree of Life and the Guardians control the power of the Jungle, while the assigned liasons handle humanoid issues that may arise that potential affects the guild presence in the area. Politically, The Twelve Tribes (ancient tribal units) help to balance the power of the Jungle. They include (names translated to common as closely as possible): The Silenced Wild Clan, The Eastern Star Readers, The Wee Folk (Glynnmals), The Healers of Yorvinn, The Blydals, The Red Spider Clan, The Sapphire River Children, The Snake Warriors, The Last Spirit Clan, The Hidden Kin, The Bitter Arrow Clan, and the Great Bear Clan.


The Jungle is a land that houses many variety of races, especially the "Monster Races" The town of Honeybrooke is know as a living experiment. A place of peace within monster races. A place that they are trying to culture into a successful settlement. To show the realm it can be done. In the Jungle you will find: Cat Folk races, Shapeshifters, Minotaurs, skeletons, Races of Fishfolk, Awakened Trees, Awakened Animals - just to name a few. They attempt to live peacefully beside the Jungle City capital - who houses 75% human or human mix races.

Public Agenda

Creed: Be of balance, never taking more than you need. Never giving more than you have. And, always showing strength, integrity, and honor.


A vast library of scrolls, devoted to the scientific documentation of all known living species (Plant, Animal, Mineral), new species of plants and animals and mineral beings. Natural magics, herbs, divination by natural methods, and healing via natural made substances.

Demography and Population

The Jungle Kingdom sits on the north west coast of the Land of Eternal. While the jungle is densely vegetated with large open expanses, it does have well worn paths through that can accommodate horse and wagon for supply shipments The capital of the kingdom is Jungle City, which sits on the ocean coast. The geography and temperament is tropical Jungle - fueled by the Magic of the tree of Life. The animals that can be found are a blend of what earth dwellers would describe as Jungle and Savannah.    The population of Jungle City is that of a vast City - estimated at about 20,000 when the last census was attempted. While the capital City is mostly an influx of human settlers and refugees - there is also a blend of the animal, beast, and monster type citizens from the Jungle itself.    Honeybrooke is the second largest town with a population of about 1,000. This town is blend of monster races with only about 10% being a human population.    Many of the younger tribal people have started to migrate from the tribes to the city. The tribes of the Jungle report numbers as small as 25 to about 500 individuals, although that number can be hard to track officially.


Tribal defenders as well as an army of awakened trees are lead by the guardians and guild liasons.


None official.

Agriculture & Industry

Fertile lands grow several varieties of tropical fruits, hunting is plenty. In Jungle City - exotics woods are harvested to create highly sought after exotic furnitures. Also, successful rice fields, lavender and herb agriculture. Potion creation also accounts for lots of the trade in the land

Trade & Transport

Main port - Jungle City.

Nature and Balance

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Family Leader
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Potions, furniture, rice, herbs, lavenders
Legislative Body
The Leaders of the 12 Tribes and the assigned Guild Liason form the ruling counsel over affairs of the citizens. The Guardians are the leaders of the lands and beasts.
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations

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