Ore'Anna Illioum Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Ore'Anna Illioum

Ore'Anna Elizabeth Illioum (a.k.a. Anna, Liz, Liz-Beth, Lil Lilly)

Ore’Anna LaBure was the bastard child of a merchant and a bar wench. At the age of 7, she asked to travel with her father on the open seas while he traded from port to port. She loved the fresh sea air and seeing exotic locations. Often left to herself, Anna would explore the ports while her father struck bargains with vendors. Unfortunately, as Ore’Anna aged, she found herself too often part of her father’s bargains. By the age of 15, Anna found herself forced to entertain merchants and sailors for her father’s benefit. At 17, Anna ran away. Anna was a survivor on the streets, charming and stealing her way to survive. One day, while attempting to swindle a man (Lexun) out of a hefty pouch of gold in a poker game, the man grabbed her wrist. “You, young one, have promise. But need training. Either agree to train, or I chop your thieving hands off...here and now.” Anna reluctantly agreed and found herself taken to Alegia, who had conveyed her knowledge to Lexun. Lexun began training Anna with Alegia’s blessing.   Ore’Anna trained for a little over a year but found herself in misery. Formal training was not her style. She made one acquaintance, a man named Aoudro, who seemed to enjoy pummeling her while sparring and always made her laugh. When not training, Anna would sneak away to the underground. Making connections and picking up small jobs. She found that she had a knack for gathering information, especially from men. The jobs that she agreed to take became more daring, pulling her away from her training. One night she was approached for a job in a faraway land, with a reward (if earned) that could forever change Anna’s life. She boarded a boat and set out. Little did Anna know that this job would change her forever.   Ore’Anna was hired to infiltrate a prominent family with blood connections to the King and Queen of a distant land. Her mission was to find the location of a powerful family heirloom and give that information to her employer. Posing as a servant, Anna was quickly hired at the family’s chateau, with her sights set on the young Duke Phillip Strawn. Anna found the Duke was nearly too easy of a target and quickly became one of his private servants. However, as Anna watched the Duke, she found that he was kind, generous, and lovingly protective of the kingdom's people. He spent each day giving charity to others, something that Anna had never seen a man of power do. Anna found herself in love.   Phillip and Anna had a whirlwind romance and engagement that was the talk of the kingdom. Anna found herself traveling with Phillip and helping with kingdom responsibilities in preparation for becoming Duchess. However, the excitement of the engagement and future wedding also drew Anna’s employer's attention, who had not forgotten her mission. Anna was contacted, only now her employer began to blackmail her in the hopes of gaining permanent access to the kingdom treasures. In desperation, Anna confided in Phillip, who forgave her and promised to protect her. However, as Anna spoke to Phillip, another servant heard the discussion and went to the King and Queen, who demanded Anna be jailed and interrogated.   Ore’Anna was seized and taken to the dungeons. She was held in shackles and a pillory, without food or water for days, with the interrogation becoming more and more brutal day by day. On the third night, Phillip and his brother Orion raided the dungeon to save Ore’Anna. Phillip was killed in the attempt while his brother Orion smuggled a nearly inconsolable Anna out of the kingdom. Anna was labeled an enemy of the Kingdom and blamed Phillip’s death, a large bounty placed on her return.   Anna was taken into hiding, on the authority of Orion, by a powerful Druid name Rosa. Rosa was a tiny gnome who loved nature and convened with the animals for days on end. Trying to convert Anna into a nature-loving Druid was nearly an impossible task, as Anna would often once again sneak away from her training to play poker in a tavern down the road. But, Rosa never gave up on her “Lil Lilly.” Rosa found that Anna had a special talent for the ways of the Moon. After her basic Druid training was complete, Rosa sent Anna out to find more about her talents since Rosa herself was not a moon Druid.   Anna really did not have any connections to the outside world, but one night while traveling, she heard the mention of an Aoudro. There was only one of those that she knew of, and she found a small delivery job that led her to the Eternal Calm Guild. From there, she tracked Aoudro Illioum to the Dark Kingdom. Their friendship picked up right where it had left off, and the two found themselves on missions together and sparring in the arena, Aoudro still easily beating her, but Anna loving to keep her friend on his toes. After fighting everything from spiders to dragons and gods, Anna found herself finally smiling again and completely head over heels for Dro.   Anna became Mrs. Aoudro B. Illioum, and with an adopted daughter, Ariessa Selune Illioum, built a family home inside the Jungle Kingdom, named protectors by the guild. Now, Ore’Anna is pregnant with twins - at the same time, the Kingdom is at War - with her blood family.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Twas the night before solstice, when all through the house Every creature was stirring, gonna catch that dang mouse; The stockings were hung by the fireplace with care, In hopes that the solstice spirit soon would be there; Ari was worried, with a hand on her head; IF that winter sprite showed up unannounced, it soon would be dead; Jeremy was twirling Play in the air, He’s hidden Dro’s daggers, even the spare.   When out of the Jungle there arose such a clatter, Aoudro sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the bridge he shadowed like a flash, While Anna just half sleep mumbled she’s gonna kick someone’s ass. The moon was shining on the river below, Yet for some reason something in it gave a faint glow.   When what to Dro’s keen eye happened next, Was complete and utter chaos, I must confess Anna stepped out and saw glowing by Dro, And shot the poor glowing sucker with her brand new crossbow. More rapid than eagles the children then came, Both of them yelling exactly the same: "No Mom! No, Dad! Please stop and don’t kill it! “We invited it here, he’s a guardian of winter, can’t you feel it?     Anna then slowly lowered her weapon. As Dro grabbed hold and lifted the wet one, The poor thing had fallen down from the sky; That magical barrier, he just couldn’t get by. With the bag full of trinkets, and candies too— Now the poor thing would need healing of wounds. He let out a mumble rubbing his head, Saying all the crazy people should be in bed.   Across the bridge Dro carried the half drown, The little winter man dressed in blue clothes resembling a clown. His clothes were all shiny with ribbons and gems; And he even had bells around both pant’s leg hems, And he looked like a performer just opening his show. And as Dro carried him, it started to snow.   Into the house with the winter sprite they went, Anna grabbing a warm blanket and tea with some mint. Ari apologizing to the little man in earnest; While Jeremy nodded trying to confirm it. Play had already snuck in his bag; While Henry the parrot was tied in the corner with a gag. Down the stairs the three wolves then ran, Making sudden screams from the little winter man. Winter jumped up and frantically dashed, “This is insane!” Winter's voice croaked and rasped...   Soon Anna, not knowing what to do, cast a spell to make the winter man confused. She grabbed his satchel and handed items to kids, While Aoudro sighed, just glad the little winter man had lived.   Ari and Jeremy, both content with their load, Both headed upstairs in “eat all the candy mode.” Anna turned back to Dro “Just knock him out…” “I can’t stand a creature constantly freaking in the house.”   Dro then laughed and said “You did shoot him my love”...; And knocked Winter out with a hit from above. Back across the bridge Dro carried him out. Laying him down and turning about.   The next morning Winter would wake up with a cringe… Never again Solstice visits for the Illioum kids….   -Ore'Anna E. Illioum   Source: The Random House Book of Poetry for Children (Random House Inc., 1983) - Adapted from original poem.


Family Ties

Father - Grimwald A. LaBure - deceased
Mother - Meridia E. Vinen - condition unknown
Brother - Gareth A. LaBure - Alive
Sister - Meghan L. LaBure - deceased
Uncle - Mikel H. LaBure - condition unknown
Cousin - Amy LaBure - condition unknown
Cousin - Adam LaBure - condition unknown
Husband - Aoudro B. Illioum - alive
Daughter - Ariessa Selune Illioum - alive
Daughter - Odette Illioum - alive (twin) Son - Jeremy Illioum - alive (adopted) Son - Damascus Illioum - alive (twin)

Religious Views

Followed a god...  Met said God...  Gods are now a Joke.


"If someone doesn't shut them up....I am gonna hit someone...." sums it up.....

Hobbies & Pets

Play - Imp Shadow - Fox (Umbreon) Henry - Parrot (Eclectus Parrot) Molly - Cat (Ragdoll Cat) Breath - Wolf Myst - Wolf Snow - Wolf


Has a smooth low rich voice. Central European, almost a Romanian...dialect and speech pattern.


Ore'Anna Illioum

Wife (Vital)

Towards Aoudro Illioum



Aoudro Illioum

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ore'Anna Illioum



Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Vlažna, 1282
Year of Birth
1282 EOC 33 Years old
Aoudro Illioum (Husband)
Current Residence
The Untamed Amazon
Dark Brown
Long Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Druidic


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