Lavennic Constitution Document in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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Lavennic Constitution

The Lavennic Constitution is the foundational document of the The Communal Republics of Lavenna, and has served as a major inspiration for countless other constitutions, especially in nations wishing to one day join the Communal Republics. Its signing marked the ushering in of an era of unprecedented peace and cooperation, as well as the colossal reconstruction and restoration efforts undertaken to bring the war-torn Lavenna both out of the ashes of The Continental War, in addition to paving the way toward a bright future free of the mistakes that led to such unfathomable destruction.   While democratic constitutions are nothing new, the Lavennic Constitution is groundbreaking in that it enshrines, to the highest degree, the rights of nature, alongside those of humanity. Furthermore, it ensures that every Lavennic citizen is to be granted equal access to quality universal services for everything from healthcare to housing and transportation.


The Lavennic Constitution enumerates the universal rights of humankind and nature, as well as establishes the structure of the Lavennic government, provides certain legal frameworks, and expresses the rights and duties of citizens. Lastly, it expresses the three foundational principles of Lavenna: Envost, Univost, and Comvost.

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