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Miranti Karsto

Former First Councillor Miranti Arda Karsto (a.k.a. "Mother of Lavenna")


Miranti Karsto, who many consider to be the "mother of Lavennic democracy", was the first elected First Councillor (475 - 488 AGL) of The Lavennic Communal Republics, and shaped much of the early policy and attitudes of the young nation.  


A native Kofarsi who spent most of her life on the politically charged island, she was displaced by the Continental War and ended up in the new nation's capital, Boralto. She quickly became involved in politics, and was a major proponent of federalisation. It is believed that without her impassioned speech, the "Karsto Address", the constitutional drafting could have gone very differently, perhaps resulting in a simple supranational cooperative rather than a full nation state. During the constitutional congress, she also ensured women were given full equal status within Lavenna, though this drew intense opposition from traditionalist Vardish and religious groups.   Through her monumentally ambitious reconstruction efforts, she has brought Lavenna from a war-torn wasteland to being a thriving beacon of the communal way of life. Having rapidly established universal communal services for everything from healthcare to housing,   Her successor as First Councillor was Kelmar Harval, who was elected to the position following her removal from office in 488 AGL.  

"Never before has the world seen a nation composed of such a tapestry of vastly diverse cultures... all coexisting and cooperating in unison for the communal benefit of both humanity and nature.

Just a few years ago, the mere thought of the innumerable communes of Lavenna united in such a way would have been absolutely unimaginable.We've been hopelessly fragmented, contorted by petty squabbling, and blinded by mistrust for far too long.   Our environment, the land that has so graciously cradled us for millenia, has been abused, exploited, and poisoned for greed and profit by those who took advantage of our disunity for far too long.

Never again.

It has become clear to me over the years, that Lavenna was never meant to exist in such a way. Our constellation of cultures, beliefs, societies, and communes have always shared the same values and aspirations... yet without unity, all of their work was continually undone. Never again shall this be the case.

From now on, the dreams and aspirations that we've all held so dear for millenia shall be nurtured and given a chance to blossom!

Wherever that tulip flag flies, its glow will lovingly restore and protect nature, the environment, and our people. It will finally grant the universal rights of humanity and nature that have been deprived for too long.   We have a duty to bring the hopes of a millenia of our forebearers to fruition, to build a nation of equals. Today, I stand before you as an equal, and I promise you that I will do everything in my power to build that future.

Vald Dest Nauvaro!"

  • First Councillor Miranti Karsto, Parliamentary Address c. 475 AGL
  • Physical Description

    Apparel & Accessories

    Miranti began the tradition now used by every First Councillor of wearing a small silver lavella flower-shaped pin, as can be seen in this photo from 480 AGL.
    She is also known to sport her signature traditional Kofarsi-Fleurois style beret in public, during speeches and in Parliament. It has become somewhat of a symbol for her, and art or graffiti depicting her often includes it.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Miranti was born to relatively poor family on the outskirts of the port city Covitar on the island of Kofora.   Karsto was the First Councillor of the Lavennic Federated Republics from 475 AGL to 488 AGL.


    Miranti attended the Kofanta Polytechnic University and studied law for three years before the Continental War reached Kofora. During her studies, she met notable Kofarsi political thinkers such as Lipsold Veris and Ilia Parsomo. She became incredibly politically outspoken.


    When people criticise my decision to formally admit the Republic of Seripha to our Federation, I believe their anger is certainly, and rightfully justified. What the Commissariat did during the Continental War was unfathomable, and it shook this entire landmass so much to its core, that it was the catalyst that drove Lavenna together. But what those who are opposed to my decision fail to understand is quite simple. What does Lavenna stand for? To me, it is not an "Anti Seriphanese League" whose sole purpose is paranoid defence. It is an idealistic foundation for the dream that all peoples of our vast landmass can live in unity and cooperation, that our diverse ethnicities can live together and work toward a common goal. The Seriphanese did horrific things during the war, but they've answered for their actions. Those responsible have been punished, and their nation now looks forward toward a brighter future. Is that not what Lavenna is itself?

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    During a time of unprecedented unity and consensus, she created the foundations for the LCR. Here is a brief, non-exhausive list of a few of her major accomplishments during her premiership  

    Creation of Universal Communal Services

    Karsto brought about an enormous and unprecedented government undertaking with the goal of providing every Lavennic citizen with truly universal, equal, and high quality services for not just the basic human rights ennumerated in the Lavennic Constitution, but also a great number of other essential services to improve quality of life for everyone. A massive success, today, these services are renowned for their quality and accessibility, and are relied upon by hundreds of millions. These services include:
    1. Universal communal healthcare
    2. Universal communal nutrition
    3. Universal communal housing
    4. Universal communal transportation
    5. Universal communal

    Failures & Embarrassments

    After signing an executive decree formally admitting Seripha to the Federation, she lost her 14th popular referendum and was voted out of office through a vote of no confidence, however her fate had virtually been sealed even had she won her popular referendum. She was removed from her premiership three years into her final term, having gone from unifying symbol to a divisive and controversial figure. Nonethless, regardless of public opinion regarding her admission of Seripha, she retained her

    Morality & Philosophy

    Profoundly impacted by the Seriphanese occupation of Kofora, as well as the following decades of environmental destruction brought about by their ruthless industrialization, Miranti firmly believes in the necessity of communal land harmonization. That is to say, the valuing of the natural environment above all else, and protecting and nurturing it at all costs.


    Religious Views

    Miranti has not publicly professed to any faith, and keeps her public image strictly in line with her views of secularism and acceptance, refusing to ascribe herself to any affiliation, at least in public. Some have speculated, based on personal accounts, that she is most likely an Atheist, but this is unconfirmed.


    Miranti has a very pronounced Kofarsi accent, which many political opponents often mock and degrade her image over.
    Succeeded by
    Kelmar Harval
    475 - 488 AGL
    Current Location
    Previously Held Ranks & Titles
    Year of Birth
    441 AGL 45 Years old
    Covitar, Kofora
    Current Residence
    Aligned Organization

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