

The History of Iphars so far

Ipharians vs Ashtarians
Currently in Iphars, there are two general groups of people: one originary from Iphars and one that arrived from Ashtara. Both groups have a few different species that differenciate the people.

There are two ancestors that appeared in Iphars and evolved into the variety of species of Ipharians that there are nowadays. On Branul appeared a hairy bipedal humanoid, on Kliras appeared a scaled bipedal humanoid with an extra pair of extremities on its back, also called wings.

From the hairy bipedal evolved a few different similar species that quickly expanded around the world. From the scaled bipedal evolved a species of bird-like people and a species of reptile-like people. The bird-like expanded to Emea, but the reptile-like stayed on Kliras.


Pinpoining the origins of Ashtarian species is a bit harder, since not only natural evolution was shaping them, but also the magic of their world put some changes on them.

In general, Ashtarian species are more specific to the enviroments they lived in or what they excelled at, and thus the bodies are much more incompatibles between each species and also much more diverse. This also made their move into Iphars much more harsh than it would have been if Ipharian people were taken into Ashtara.


In Iphars, people divided themselves on territories and grouped each other with people who are similar to them and think similar too. While it originally meant the people where divided by species, it quickly changed to accept people with same ideologies and goals.

Their towns are adapted for different people to live together and use a monetary system to combat all the different systems there were previously.


Ashtarians on the other hand preferred to stay with the same kind of species, mainly for the simple fact that they are specialized species and thus, not always a town for a group is a good place to live for others. They didn't really had big governamental groups or things like countries and lived mostly of trade between towns with an exchange system rather than a monetary system.

While they had this town separation, travellers and visitors were never shunned.

Having different cultures and ways of living lead to crashes between people. Luckily (because I, the author, decided so), they are open-minded people and mixing the people will end up being a possibility, they just have to learn a few things.

Ipharians need to understand the Astharian's trade system and teach them how to adapt towns to everyone's necessities. Ashtarians need to learn to live in places with diverse people and pay attention to what other people of other species need or how they are and can do instead of assuming they are able to do the same as them, have the same needs and be similar to them.

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