

Initial Active Setting

How is the world?
Size of Iphars

As I've previously mentioned, this world is focused on Iphars. Iphars its a whole planet, and fully writing a new planet would be a lot of work. Thus I will focus on:

  • General overview of countries (or similars) and geography
  • How magic changed this world
  • Important landmarks
  • General overview of the people
  • (Hopefully) Detailed settlements with some of the inhabitants
  • Conditions
  • Lava related species and technology

  • (The focuses of this worlds are based on what I believe might be necessary to understand the world and what I like writing. Not all articles will fit in the focus of the world though.)

    In most part, Iphars' a very Earth-like planet. It has tectonic plates, continents, a diverse geography and other similar things. Its a life with a lot of life which is different from Earth's life. The weirdness to Iphars mainly comes in two ways: lava lakes, and post dawn of magic changes.

    Unlike in our real world, lava in Iphars works slightly different. It is more liquid than ours allowing aquatic-like creatures and plants to live in it, albeit its not translucent, so no possibility of photosynthesis and animals have little use to eyes and other photo-detecting organs. The closer to the surface the lava is, the denser and more solid it becomes; the further from the surface, the more liquid-like.

    After the dawn of magic, the world started changing to something more fantasy-like. Floating islands started either rising from the earth or appearing out of thin air, and magic started existing and changing the world and its inhabitants.

    Magic in Iphars is somewhat alive. It changes things to what it desires, whatever that might be, and acts like a rebelious teenager. This isn't very seen in Iphars actually, but was big part of Ashtara and was considered a god, even if, unlike other Ashtarian gods, hasn't appeared with an appareance in any way. While it is quite chaotic in Iphars, changing the world as it pleases, it's working hard on Ashtara to keep the remnants of the world and the leftover inhabitants alive. Ashtarians consider Iphars' magic to be a different "god" than theirs, as their ways of using magic have become useless in Iphars.

    Smaller scale drama / problems
    Rumours of an avatar of Riox are starting to coincide with a mysterious Ashtarian named Echo. Apparently, they can control magic and cast magic yet won't explain how.
    The fall of Igburn, experts on lava technology, has reached all of Branul and rumours and stories of its fall are spreading but no one knows yet how did the city fall.
    While the forgetting and rediscovering of Aedoro got a lot of people confused of how it happened, it is now being explored by a group called Therik compasses.
    Some people are risking their life exploring and crossing the chaotic portals that are appearing and disappearing world-wide. These brave or stupid souls are often called Portalhoppers. As of right now, its a highly deadly profession.
    Tashan and Etetol are the first towns accepting both Ashtarians and Ipharians in their town without offering any problem or xenophobic mesures. Their inhabitants thought doesn't always show the same friendliness.
    The Crater of emea is becoming magically corrupted from the broken magical technology Blintah. The Viosti, are working hard on finding a way of stopping this magical corruption. For now, the corruption doesn't extend past the crater.

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