Samael Dowager Character in Ire | World Anvil

Samael Dowager

Samran (a.k.a. Winter Angel)

"The city only knows one Samran; it will only ever know one." - Samael Dowager   Samael is one of the last orginal Elves. Born in the year 1 as a ball of light and magic--over the next hundreds of years he would form his body. Samael was nominated when deciding the Emperor, but alas while he made it far Faelin was much stronger than he. He was however in compensation given the city of Dekus Linral. Samael has been the city's gaurdian angel since its first. He has seen it through the Years of Shade, Vaelock's Rebllion, The Great War, The Ash War, and so many more. He has always maintained a good relationship with the Ents & House Draconis.   His appearances in combat are also legendary. During the Splitwood Battle he decended from the sky with wings of ice; when he landed a blizzard erupted from the ground! His sword is well known as well, Miséricorde. Made from Ivory Silver-- Light, but strong--nimble, but devastating.   Samran Samael Dowager is seen as a kind, and powerful leader. Dekus Linral will always be in good hands with him. Yet despite what he says, even Elves can die.

Mental characteristics


Samael is one of the privllaged few who studied at the College of Artwen. He was chosen by the school at a "young" age and even lived there for many decades. There can be no doubt the College taught him old and powerful secrets.


The Samran lives a vegtarian lifestyle. It is seen as an insult to offer him meat of any kind.


Samael Dowager

Bitter Rival

Towards Solas Draconis


Solas Draconis

Bitter Rival

Towards Samael Dowager


Year of Birth
1 2082 Years old
Honey Brown
Related Myths
Known Languages
  • Common 
  • Entish
  • Runes
Ruled Locations

Articles under Samael Dowager