Vampires Species in Ire | World Anvil


Vampires are classified as monster but they are not natural. The first batch of vampires were made by a Dark One and since then they have persisted. Over the centuries they developed a new style of magick that only they can use. Blood magic, Blood magick has different levels. There are spells any vampire can use and some that only very powerful ones can use They can drain the life from a target without touching them, the can cast seals that can’t be open by anyone who doesn’t share blood with them(Family) They can bend and move the blood of a living being to control them. They can of course also infect others to make them vampires.   The is somewhat of a sub breed of vampire. High Vampires are much, much more powerful than a base vampire. Their power makes them look more beastly than a base vampire would. Their skin turns to a grey color and their hair will either loose its color or sometimes even fall out entirely. The more a vampire feeds the stronger they get, so a High Vampire has been feeding off strong blood for quite some time   All of this power does not come without a cost though. In the sun they become extremely week, no longer able to cast spells, with their strength and speed brought back down to that of a normal human. Yet when the moon rises again these children of the night regain their power hunt once again.   The Vampires live in an old castle left behind by one of the ancient clans. They are lead by the Lord of the Court. The Lord of the Court can be any vampire and in fact most vampire's seek to hold the seat for themselves. However The Lord is usually extremely powerful to be the Lord and is hard to usurp. Powerful Vampires will select "family" members. Infecting specific people and raising them into the "family", making their own family lines.     "Mmm, that're a Black Dagger."   Germand shook with all his will and might. His body could not move but his eyes spoke the story.   "I thought there was no amount of coin that could get a Dagger to accept this kind of contract."   "There isn't." Germand forced out-Blood Dagger
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name

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