Ire Seekers of The 9 Timeline

Seekers of The 9

  • 2082

    5 /5

    An Unlikely Meeting

    On the Island of Rodtland the Dhulka Copper Hiss, and the Elf Thia Sunflower find the monster they have been searching for, a avian/human hybrid. Upon meeting they find he can speak and is intellegent, his name is Kik-Lek

  • 2082

    5 /5 12:00

    A Lord Dies
    Life, Death

    Copper tries to collect his bounty even though Kik-Lek is alive. Jarl Ragnar quickly grew angry and Copper Hiss slew him, forcing the party to leave the island.

  • 2082

    8 /5

    The Mytsery of the 9

    After arriving on the next island the party uncovered a dead Dwarf with a journal describing an powerful gauntlet and his quest to find it.

  • 2082

    8 /5 07:00

    A New Friend

    In the Konrig Tavern the three met a clan Gigan Dwarf Artificer by the name of Flint Ironfist. Who joins the party in the hope of finding rare crafting items

  • 2082

    9 /5

    A scourge dead

    The party takes a contract on a monster known as Glenda O'hill, a nasty harpie. Together they slew it and collected on the reward

  • 2082

    1 /6

    Unkown Land

    The party final docks on Kerne, but they are not where they planned to be. With no choice they follow a sign that points to Themstra

  • 2082

    1 /6 07:00

    The Slumbering Town

    Lost in fog the party stumble into a strange ruined town. when they elxpored the houses they found them covered in dust, and populated with elves in a deep sleep.

  • 2082

    1 /6 08:00

    The Green Knight

    A strange knight with a tree arm approached Copped and challenged him to strike him anywhere and in 1 years time he would return an equal blow. The Dhulka eagarly took the bait and slashed the Knight in the side.

  • 2082

    1 /6 10:00

    A Town Saved

    The party scaled Themstra tower, beat the Earth Elemental gaurding it, and followed a dead Elf's instructions and woke the townspeople up.

  • 2082

    1 /6 11:00

    Who Am I?

    The Party meets one of the awoken Elves. He is a confused fellow who can only remeber his name, and a few fragments of memory. Confused and scared he joined the party for protection and to reclaim his memories.

  • 2082

    1 /6 12:00

    A Musical Guide

    Now bound for Reshire, the party meets a roaving bard on the road who claims he knows the way. Since he also had supplies they needed the party agreed.

  • 2082

    2 /6

    Discovery, Exploration

    In the morning the Bard leads the party to the Elven city of Reshire. They witnessed a large mass of troops being led outside the city.

  • 2082

    3 /6

    A Cursed Child

    The party takes a contract from a farmer just outside the city to slay the monster that has been killing his workers. After some investiagtion they planned a trap, using the Bard as bait. It worked and they slew the monsterus child, earning some coin along the way.

  • 2082

    4 /6

    A Professor's Request

    The Party takes a notice from a local Professor in need of an expedition party. When they met him at his college, he informed them that they would be embarking via portal to the last home of the Dragon Rider's, The Crystal Castle.

  • 2082

    5 /6

    The Crystal Castle
    Discovery, Exploration

    After traveling through a portal, to Eldre, the party was near the Castle. They explored for a bit, and finally beheld it and all its beauty. The accompanied the Elven Professor down into the valley, and inside to explore the Castle.

  • 2082

    5 /6 07:00

    The Old Master

    Deep inside the castle, the party found the living corpse of a Dragon Rider. He groaned and muttered about an attack, and then attacked the party. They however put the old Rider to rest.

  • 2082

    5 /6 08:00

    A Dark Figure

    After leaving the Crystal Castle, the party could see a figure in dark robes standing in the distance. They pointed and rasied their sword, than vanished in a cloud of smoke.

  • 2082

    14 /6

    Clan Gigan

    After splitting ways with the Professor, and looting the castle some more. They party continued onward and finally reached the home of the Hundrud Mine, the Dwarven City of Neverpass, and Flint's home.

  • 2082

    14 /6 03:00

    A Battle at The Gates
    Military: Battle

    After crossing the bridge to Neverpass the party walked into a Bullk Invasion party, battlting with the Dwarven warrior. The party rushed into the fray and aided in the slaying.

  • 2082

    14 /6 9:00

    Heros of Neverpass

    After their show in combat, King Arbor Gigan takes them back to the palace and throws a feast in their honor, and in celebration of Flint returning home. During the feast the King names the "The Heros of Neverpass"

  • 2082

    15 /6 08:00

    Death's Labryinth
    Discovery, Exploration

    At last the party finally reaches the HundruĂ° Mine. With King Arbor's permission, they delve into the depths.

  • 2082

    15 /6 9:00

    A Cursed Power

    Coppe Hiss put on the Gauntlet. It shrunk down to fit his arm, but it didn't stop shrinking, and began crushing his arm. Only with the Wizard's help, was he able to free himself.

  • 2082

    15 /6 11:00

    Scourge of The HundruĂ° Mine
    Military: Skirmish

    After "playing" some bagpipes he found, Kik-Lek awoke a vicious Minator, using a door as a shield. it tracked the party down and cornered them, combat was the only option. Working together they slew the Scourge.

  • 2082

    16 /6 07:00

    One Last Trial

    After all their searching it was finally before them, The Colossus Gauntlet, but the Dark Figure from the Crystal Castle had beaten them to it, and he was willing to kill to take it for his master.

  • 2082

    16 /6 08:00

    The Colossus Gauntlet
    Discovery, Exploration

    Alas, it is finally their's, One of the Power 9, The Colossus Gauntlet

  • 2082

    16 /6 9:00

    A Cursed Power

    Copper Hiss put on the Gauntlet, and it shrunk down to fit him, but it didn't stop shrinking. It quickly began crushing his bones and scales. Only with the Wizard's help was he able to free himself.