Wyvern Species in Ironsworn | World Anvil
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Rank: Extreme (2 ticks per harm; inflicts 4 harm)
  • Huge, bat-like wings
  • Rows of knife-sized teeth
  • Thick hide with a metallic sheen
  • Long tail
  • Watch for prey from high above
  • Feed
  • Swoop down
  • Snap up prey
  • Fearsome roar
  • Bash with tail
  There are several breeds of wyverns in the Ironlands. To the west, tawny wyverns nest in the cliffs of the Barrier Islands and Ragged Coast, diving for fish in the surrounding waters. Inland, the verdant wyverns dwell in forested regions. The largest and most fearsome breed, the iron wyverns, hunt among the Tempest Hills and along the flanks of the Veiled Mountains.   All wyverns have wolfish heads with wide jaws, thick bodies, and sinuous tails. They have short hind limbs and elongated forelimbs which extend along their wings. In flight, they are a terrifying but awe-inspiring creature. On the ground, they lumber heavily on all four limbs, their wings folded back, jaws agape, gaze fixed on their prey. They are the grim cruelty of the Ironlands given form. They are death.

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