Goliath Species in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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During the roil of the founding, Eiko's mountains were formed, smashed, and reformed again. It is said that the Goliaths emerged from the shattering of these mighty peaks. Beings of mighty stature and stoic nature, the Goliaths formed solitary clans among the mountains and valleys that bore them into this world. There, they master multiple aspects of combat, including powerful unit tactics and a unique form of martial combat only known to the clans of the Southern Mountains. Being naturally solitary and defensive by nature, the clans have only come down on mass twice in recorded history. Once to help beat back the fiendish incursion, and the other to break the back of the Orcish invasion force.   Goliaths are a very rare sight anywhere in Eiko save for their home province of Kalagiano, which is a place few outsiders are permitted to linger. Those Goliaths that do stray from their clan to wander the wider world will often find gawking gazes following their massive form. Those travelers who ascribe to the Goliath mentality might find work protecting villages from outside threats, while the few naturally aggressive Goliaths might endevour to join the armies of one of the many Daimyō.
Genetic Descendants
150 years
Average Height
6'0 to 7'4
Average Weight
250 to 500 lbs


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