Aasimar Species in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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Descended from the union of benevolent spirits and the mortal races, Aasimar are easily picked out of a crowd. Their skin, often shades of blue, pale gold, or silver quickly set them apart from most races. Combined with pupilless eyes and tattoo like birthmarks, both of which give a soft glow further highlight their unique parentage.   While all of the Aasimar kin are called by a yearning to gather in the Eirie Province, there are some who resist the call in favour of seeking adventure or a quiet place to live in the wild and secluded places of Eiko. Those that wonder usually find a welcoming, if skeptical, reception. Some even see the arrival of an Aasimar as a sign from the gods, almost as a signal of divine favour.
Spirit Kin
100 years
Average Height
5'5 to 6'2
Average Weight
150 to 220

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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