Tiefling Species in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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In 436, powerful Fiends of the underplanes found their way to Eiko to extract their frightful desires from the sentient races. Devils came to make their nefarious deals with those seeking power over their neighbour. Devils came to mutilate, murder and defile. While great heroes have risen up to fell or banish these fiends, the strain of the fiends power persisted in those mortals unfortunate enough to cross their path. Whether through a bargain struck, or less savory means, the fel power of these demons and devils took root in these mortals, twisting their essence and giving rise to the Tieflings.   These Tieflings, were at first mistaken for demons themselves and either killed on sight or driven from their homes by angry mobs. Those that escaped quickly found precious few places that would accept them. Tieflings that found others of their kind quickly formed a lose familial bond, forming nomadic groups to survive. Some learned into their heritage and delved into forbidden magics to ensure their survival, even going so far as to form pacts with their fiendish ancestors. Others learned magic to blend in, or help those in need in order to sway the opinions of the other mortal races. While some found success, most were turned away at the near sight of a Tieflings horns, tail, dark hued skin and glowing eyes.   Things began to change in 536, when the charismatic Onigan Oni united many of the far flung Tiefling clans. He lead them to the South East of Eiko and in a single night of fury took the land from the native Elves. The chaos of that night turned the newly founded province of Oni into a barren land, but it was now a place that the Tieflings could call home.
90 years
Average Height
5'4 to 6'5
Average Weight
150 to 225 lbs

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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