Half-Orc Species in Isle of Eiko | World Anvil
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In the 6th century after the Founding, a strange ship with black sails arrived on the southern shore of Eiko. The strange, hulking green beasts that disembarked raised 4 villages along the coast before they were finally brought low by the defending forces of the Sanada Province.   After many years of war, the combined armies of Eiko slew the horde on the field, but it was enough time for the Orcs to mix with the local humans, giving rise to the Half-Orcs.   Large in a way only surpassed by Dragonborn and Goliaths, green skinned and with pronounced bottom tusks, Half Orcs are a rare sight out of the safety of their jungle home.   If a Half-Orc does venture out and finds a place that will accept them it is not uncommon for them to form a fierce bond of loyalty and commeadery. Whether it be amongst farmers and simple folk as a sturdy hand, or as a strong sword arm in mercenary or bandit groups.   Most people who have never encountered a Half-Orc have preconceived notions of dumb brutes, but most are actually increadibly cunning. Warriors are brought up learning complex ambush and hit and run tactics.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Flatter noses, pronounced bottom jaw tusks

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Settlements are centered in Akuma Province, but Half-Orcs have been known to wander to other provinces.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Orc Kin
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin comes in various shades of green.


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