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Commander Jillian Halloway "Orcbane" of The Gondolian Navy

Commander of The Gondolian Navy Jillian Halloway (a.k.a. "Orcbane")

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Military trained since she was a little girl, she is in perfect shape. Nimble as a mouse and strong as a tiger.

Special abilities

Expert tactician and strategist. Expert acrobat.

Apparel & Accessories

She is donned in a dark blue Gondolian Navy commanders uniform, fitted for a woman. She wears a Navy Millitary Sable, donned in gold details and a parrier dagger.

Specialized Equipment

Expert with sables and daggers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Commander Halloway is a Gondolian born and raised. Her loyalty and faith in her kingdom is unbreakable. She was born in East Gondolin as the daughter of the legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn. It is rumored that Thrawn really wished for a son, but Jillian did all she could to impress her father. It wouldn't take long to earn her fathers respect. At the age of 7 she was sent to military school, where other children usually got sent at the age of 10. At the age of 11 she moved on to the Naval War Academy in West Gondolin, where she was the youngest student to ever attend, and graduate. At the age of 17 she served in her first war against the orcs of Azgrimmar. She actually got to commander a brigantene of her own, with a lot of complaints from many of her senior officers. But no one dared challenge Grand Admiral Thrawns decission. She would quickly prove them wrong, when she came to the rescue when the orcs launched the biggest sea battle attack ever seen in Elementis at the banks of East Gondolin River. If it hadnt been for her timly arrival, the orcs would have managed to land their forces and laying seige to Gondolin.   The orcs lost their entire fleet in this battle, and this would be the beginning of the end for the second orc/human war. During the next 20 years she would rise in rank of commander, being a hero of another human/orc war that ended 5 years ago. The last 5 years she has had the responsebility to twarth the rising pirate threat. She may be the only reason Fishtown hasnt been completely destroyed.

Gender Identity





The Gondolian Military School (Best in class) The Gondolian Naval War Academy (One of the greatest students ever)


Commander in the Gondolian Navy, being responsible for the government and protection of Fishtown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

War hero in the last two orc/human wars.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, strategic, ruthless

Personality Characteristics


Dreams to become admiral, comanding her own fleets, and perhaps even surpasing her dad, Grand Admiral Thrawn Halloway

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Expert swordsman
  • Expert strategist
  • Expert chartographer
  • Natural born leader
  • Expert sailor
  • Authoritarian
  • Unbending
  • Inspiring
  • Disiplined
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • Unrelenting
  • Unforgiving
  • Hard
  • Sarcastic
  • Hygiene

    She strives to always upprehend military standards, and it shows. She is sparkingly clean and no one dons a uniform quite like her.


    Family Ties

  • Grand Admiral Thrawn Halloway is her father.
  • Speech

    Stern and direct


    Captain William Twitch

    professional friend (Vital)

    Towards Commander Jillian Halloway "Orcbane" of The Gondolian Navy



    Commander Jillian Halloway "Orcbane" of The Gondolian Navy

    Commander (Important)

    Towards Captain William Twitch




    Captain William has served under Commander Halloway his whole military career. It was her father that saved him from a life living on the streets, and giving him the opportunity to serve in the navy. For this he is forever gratefull to the Halloways.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    They both work as hard as they can to stop the pirates.

    Wealth & Financial state

    She comes from one of the richest familys in Gondolin

    Commander Jillian Halloway is one of the finest military minds in The Gondolian Navy. She is a war hero of the last two orc/human wars. She is now stationed in Fishtown, where she is now is in controll, and is serving as the leader. Her mission is to stop the pirate threat and the smuggelers once and for all. She will stop at nothing to make this happen.

    Character Location
    Current Location
    View Character Profile
    Lawfull Good
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Commander of The Gondolian Navy
    East Gondolin
    Current Residence
    Light Blue
    Long blond braided hair
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    174 cm
    70 kg
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Nothing will stand in the way of our great kingdom and navy!"
    Aligned Organization
    Related Plots
    Known Languages
  • Common (Native)
  • Dwarvish
  • Elvish
  • Orcish
  • Character Prototype
    Toph, the metalbender from Avatar the last airbender.

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