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Capturing Kingstone



Saint Solonor's Fortress


Saint Solonor is a double-layered star fortress, the walls of the outer bastion is 25ft tall and the inner walls are 40ft high. The fortress has no visible entrance other than the Imperial Dockyard, the dockyard entrance is a steel double-layered palisade, with murder holes. The fortress is armed with 42lber cannons on all sides they also have access to canister, grape, chain, and ball shot. The cannons can swivel and are capable of a standard cone of arc, they can also fire from the second bastion directly into the first if neccessary. The fortress has internal stores capable of self-supplying for two months.

Iliene and Keen-Eye Batteries


Both the Iliene and Keen-Eye Batteries are equipped with 64lber cannons, mortars, and long-nine guns. They have access to all of the same equipment as the Saint Solonor's Fortress


The Imperial Army

The 13th (Dawnblade) Imperial Regiment of Foot

The 1st (Red Sun) Company of Colonial Dragoons

The 33rd (The Duke's Guard) Order of Griffon Riders 

The Fortresses 

Cannon Fire


Special Individuals

Admiral Kasith

Imperial Death's Eye Inquisitors

Plot type
Act 2: Capturing Kingstone
Related Characters
Related Locations

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