Kriegul Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


Kriegul is the god of War, Wisdom, Athletics, Sports, and Courage.
Kriegul is depicted as a hugely muscular a warrior solider with a head and wings of an owl. He wears a fighting girdle made from a red dragon's hide, gauntlets from a white dragon's hide, and boots from a blue dragon's hide, and yields a platinum great-sword. During the Antebellum, Kriegul was instrumental in bringing the war against Tiamat and her children. 
As a reward, Bahamut bestowed him a the set of chromatic dragon armor and the great-sword.

Divine Domains

War, Knowledge, Life, Death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kriegul is depicted as a hugely muscular a warrior solider with a head and wings of an owl.

Tenets of Faith

Though the greatsword is the weapon of Kriegul, he wields various weapons based on regional lore and the importance of weapons to that region.
Kriegul is sometimes depicted by his urbanized faithful as a more civilized athlete or wrestler and games and fights are often held in his honor.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

He is a foe of dragonkind, especially lawful evil dragons.

• Lawful Neutral alignment
• Domains: War, Knowledge, Life, Death
• Symbols: A Warrior with an owl head and wings.
• Patron god of Soldiers and Paladins often pledge oaths to Kriegul
Divine Classification


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