Erdenon Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


Erdenon is the only brother of Adolar that is worshipped in the pantheon.

Divine Domains

His domain and element are earth and stone.   Erdenon is sturdy, patient, and longsuffering, an example of stability, and strength to his fellow gods and goddesses. He is represented as the metal ox/bull often suspending the world or earth between his horns. He is pragmatic and prefers to work then involve himself with idle passions and talk. As a non-creator god, he willingly accepted the task of holding up the world keeping it as close to the heavens as possible, his horns are known as the “Pillars of the World”.   He allows a great portion of his domain to be shared by his sister through water that covers the lands and his brother through the heavens. He allows his brother to fully surround his dominion with air and the heavens and even allows Adolar to fill his dominion with fire deep in its belly so man can have warmth from below.
• Domains: Nature, Stone, Strength,
• Portfolios: Metal, Mines, Smiths

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Bull with earth balanced on horns

Tenets of Faith

As the god of earth and stone, Erdenon is also the god of metal, mines, and smiths. The first thing he made from the metal he pulled from the world were godly pillars to the hold world in place. He is also credited for many of the artifacts and relics used by his family and other gods. Follower’s teach that Erdenon’s creed says, “The gifts of the earth exist to be taken and used to create practical works. The knowledge of smithcraft should never be hoarded but taught freely to anyone with a talent for it. Those who are selfish and stingy with their talents and sharing what they have and learned should be punished.”   Mining and smithy work is not for the weak, so those that worship Erdenon and practice those professions should be strong in mind and body, for a weak will forges a weak weapon.   Erdenon represents community and embodiment of the concept of home and birthplace. In Vandahlian culture the ox attributes are physical strength and as a bull is extremely virile, and so he symbolizes fertility and the power to procreate, but also of the nature of stability always being there in a lone field observing the herd. Many villages and towns will consecrate a sacred grove dedicated to Erdenon where only cattle can graze, and no humans can enter. In the center of the grove a single wooden cart and yolk that rests propped against a stone alter. During certain days of religious observation or celebrations, a priest can enter the field retrieve the cart fill it with offerings and return the cart and offerings to the alter. Another custom Erdenon followers hold to is a requirement of a follower’s deceased body to be buried in native soil. If the body cannot be returned to native soil then the body must be cremated so its ashes can find its way home. Soldiers have a tradition of packing and carrying native soil in their belongings in case they perish in battle on foreign lands.



spouse (Important)

Towards Wolkengot





Towards Erdenon



• Lawful: Neutral
• Domains: Nature, Stone, Strength,
• Portfolios: Metal, Mines, Smiths
• Rural timber and mining communities often feel a connection to Erdenon, since they have to work hard to survive
It is believed that Erdenon is the only god in the pantheon that holds the portal link between the gods and material plane. And thus, Erdenon is the god of all cardinal directions.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Wolkengot (spouse)


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