Wolkengot Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


The god of change and trickery, she delights in the winds of change. For Wolkengot change represents ever-renewing opportunities. Each moment is a chance to alter the course, either personally or on a grander scale. Either by chance, luck or divine trick or intervention, change can take things in a better direction than in the past.

Wolkengot Her temples are few in stands as a symbol of true freedom, unhindered like the clouds and winds above. She commands those that worship not to protect the selfish feelings of individuals but to defend the sovereign right of all people to take control of their destinies. Wolkengot hopes that others use their freedom to do the right thing. and she stands against tyranny of any kind. Her followers keep alive flames of hope in oppressive societies, serving as the seeds of rebellion or peaceful reform. Chance, coincidence, fortune, randomness, tricks —whatever you call it, luck is a powerful unpredictable force. Wolkengot takes this powerful force in hand as a weapon against drab destiny and dark fatalism. For her followers, luck provides excitement and opportunity even in the face of terrible odds.

Wolkengot pleasures include freedom, trade, travel, adventure, and the frontier of the unknown. Her temples are few in civilized lands, but her wayside shrines appear throughout the world. Merchants, and all types of adventurers are drawn to her worship, and many people raise a glass in her honor, viewing her as the god of luck.

Divine Domains

Her commandments are few:
  • Luck favors the bold.
  • Take your fate into your own hands, and Wolkengot smiles upon you.
  • Strike back against those who would rob you of your freedom and urge others to fight for their own liberty.
  • Change is inevitable, but it takes the work of the faithful to ensure that change is for the better.

Holy Books & Codes

When the world was young, and the gods were creating their children; Wolkengot was asked to breath life into them. Wolkengot used her winds and they lived. But, Wolkengot could not help herself and she took a child from all the goods she helped for herself as payment. When the Antebellum began she asked to join the side of the treacherous gods and help fool the other gods. Wolkengot refused but she also refused to help the gods assisting the Danu. Instead, she rode her wind and flew far away from the conflict with her children. Once the war was over, she feared retaliation against children from all gods. She hid them away on a faraway distant island and gave them a special power to conceal their true nature. So since those days, Wolkengot is known as the Mother of Dobblegangers and Changelings.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbol expresses her traits of trickery and change as a fox riding on top of a cloud.



spouse (Important)

Towards Wolkengot





Towards Erdenon



• Chaotic Neutral alignment
• Domains: Knowledge, Change, Trickery
• Symbols: A fox riding a cloud, or wavy lines like the pattern of wind.
• Merchants, Gamblers, and Rogues are known to worship her. Halflings are drawn to worship Wolkengot and often include her in their shrines.

Divine Classification
Erdenon (spouse)


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