Lebenfirm Character in Jethiea | World Anvil


Revelry, hedonism, and excess of all kinds are the purview of Lebenfirm, known as the “Reveler”. The youngest of Erdenon, he urges his followers to wrest the maximum possible pleasure from each moment. Somewhat detached from the everyday events of the mundane world. “Responsibility is for tomorrow; why not spend today enjoying good food, fine wine, friendship, and love?”, Lebenfirm does not cajole his followers to become intoxicated to the point of causing harm to themselves or others, nor does he condone seeking personal pleasure at the expense of others. He teaches that there is as much potential in tomorrow as there is in today, and that life need never hurry.   Wasting today in drudgery is fruitless and possibly sinful. His followers practice the art of brewery, wine making, and distilling spirits as a form of worship to express the balance of working today with patience for the joys of celebration in the future.   Magic in the name of Lebenfirm is used to provide amusement, to create beauty, or to enhance the pleasure of ordinary activities. Illusions used for enjoyment rather than base trickery are common among his followers, as are transmutations geared toward improving artworks and conjurations aimed at gaining an amusing companion for a short period.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Stories and legends say the “Reveler” appears as a comely human male with eyes of sparkling gold and dance in his step, or an aged bear with a perpetual smile, participating in festivals and celebrations all throughout the Empire.

Lebenfirm:   • Chaotic Good alignment   • Domains: Life   • Symbols: Smiling Bear, Cornucopia   • Monks in search of enlightenment through the Way of the Drunken Master and Bards of all ilk’s are typically drawn to Lebenfirm free spirit and festive soul.
Divine Classification


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