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Hadeo Valley

Civilized races have lived in the Hadeo Valley for millennia, but the modern Hadeo was created 1500 years ago when the Silver-Claw horde drove the Dwarves of the Spinepeak Mountains Southwest into the valley. They united with the Human settlements in the area and erected the Great Wall at the eastern end of the valley.  


Ruled by Guild Council, the Valley is divided up into various sections.   

Hadeo City

The city itself is made up of two distinct sections, the Overcity and the Undercity.  
  The Overcity is the above ground portion of the city, home to most of the Human and Elven citizens. It is based on the original settlement that existed before the arrival of the Earthshapers  . It is known for it's towering stone buildings and its extensive rail-line   The Undercity is the result of the past 1500 years of Dwarven habitation. A large cavern, roughly the same area of the Overcity, this area is home to the Dwarvish and Gnomish citizens as well as the main mining operations.    

Outer Settlements

Gatewatch sits just inside the gates of the Great Wall. Founded in the aftermath of the Earthshaper flight across the Trampled Plains. Started as a fort to house the guardians of the Grand Gate. In the centuries since it has become a major trading post on the route to Hadeo City itself. Gatewatch is one of the first truly safe settlements that travelers and caravans come across. Its various markets hawk produce from the farms and fields near-by and trade for pelts and supplies from beyond the wall.   Stoneside Unlike the more robust and organized settlements elsewhere in the valley, the area known as Stoneside is closer to a loosely organized collection of mining camps than an actual settlement. Following the consolidation and establishment of the Hadeo Valley Mining Association(HVMA), the guild sought to better organize their scattered holdings and workers. The HVMA established the Stoneside trading outpost near the base of the Viroli Mountains on the Western side of the Valley.


  At the western edge of the Hadeo Valley stands one of the wonders of the 5th Age. The Great Wall of Hadeo stands nearly 100ft tall and spans roughly 50 miles. According to legend the Earthshapers were able to raise the wall in it's entirety in only five days.

Guilds and Factions

The Hadeo Valley Mining Association (HVMA)

Operating from the heart of the Undercity the HVMA is responsible for the mining operations both inside and out of the city. They are one of the oldest and most established of the guilds. HVMA representatives also oversee the day-to-day management of Stoneton as well as the other smaller mining camps.  

Criminal Groups

Somewhere between and beyond the Overcity and the Undercity lies the Backcity, a series of rough hewn tunnels, back entrances, and hidden caverns. Painstakingly and carefully crafted by the more criminal or secretive members of society, it has been over a millennia in the making. While now home to a wide variety of eccentric personalities, here are few of the more notable  

The Silver Strand

"The Spider's Web is Vast" - The Steel Mask   Guided by the elusive hand of Madame Saldra 'The Spider'. The Strand is one of the most successful and accepted of Hadeo's criminal underbelly. The Silver Strand specialize in the movement and procurement of illicit items.  

The Nathut Family

"You're a funny one, I like you... Kill the rest, you're coming with me" -The Cyclops   The Nathut Family is one of the more powerful criminal organizations in Hadeo, and they have maintained that reputation through bloodshed and ruthlessness. Most known for their legal and illegal gambling institutions, the Family is known to have many friends thought the Undercity and Overcity.

Third Parties


The Nightwatch

    The Night Watch is a group of vigilantes and former law enforcement officers who operate in the shadows of Hadeo's Backcity. They are dedicated to maintaining order in the criminal underworld and protecting the citizens of the Undercity from the excesses of the city's criminal organizations. The Night Watch is known for its secrecy and operates in small, tight-knit cells, making it difficult for the criminal organizations to track their movements or predict their actions. Despite their covert nature, the Night Watch has a reputation for being effective and impartial, and many in the Undercity look to them as a last resort for protection and justice. Despite the dangers of their work, the members of the Night Watch are often motivated by a strong sense of duty and a desire to make a difference in the lives of those who have been left behind by the Overcity's administration.   The Night Watch is typically led by individuals who have a strong sense of justice and a desire to maintain order in Hadeo's more dangerous areas. They come from a variety of backgrounds, including former law enforcement officers, military personnel, and former members of criminal organizations. Some leaders may have grown up in the Undercity or Backcity and have a personal connection to the struggles and dangers faced by those communities. Ultimately, the leaders of the Night Watch are individuals who have the skills, experience, and determination to effectively confront the criminal elements that operate within Hadeo's shadows.
Founding Date
845 BS
Alternative Name(s)
The Valley
Location under
Included Locations


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