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History of The World

  • 500 ME

    510 ME

    The Plague Wars
    Plague / Epidemic

    In the heart of the Great Kingdom of Ardania, a silent terror unfurled its dark wings—the Plague Wars. What had begun as whispers of a distant malady soon erupted into a relentless tempest, sparing no corner of the realm. Cities once vibrant and teeming with life now stood as ghostly shells, their streets echoing with the haunting absence of laughter.   The plague's merciless grasp showed no mercy, claiming young and old alike. Desperation bred drastic measures: quarantines that penned the sick and barricaded the healthy. The land was painted with hastily dug graves, as the very air seemed to thicken with grief.   Amidst this grim tableau, heroes emerged—selfless healers who defied death to tend to the afflicted. But their courage often felt futile against the tide of suffering that surged on, unchecked.   The crowning blow came with the fall of the royal line, the kingdom's pillars crumbled by the same invisible hand that had wrought so much devastation. Ardania, once mighty, now stood as a testament to the fragility of human existence.   The Plague Wars etched scars into the kingdom's memory, a stark reminder of mortality's shadow. As the survivors emerged from the darkness, they carried not just grief, but an unshakable resolve: to rebuild, to endure, and to ensure that the horrors of that relentless era would never stain their land again.

  • 520 ME

    525 ME

    The Vampire Wars of Slavannia
    Military: War

    The Vampire Wars, a haunting epoch woven with shadows and sorrow, unfolded as a symphony of bloodshed and darkness across the realm of Slavannia. When the sun surrendered its dominion to the moon's glow, the sinister reign of the Vampire Lords engulfed the land in a shroud of terror. Mortal nobles and Vuthraki warriors found themselves ensnared in a relentless struggle against the looming abyss. Their defiance kindled glimmers of hope amidst the gloom, as battles raged under the night sky, a desperate attempt to reclaim the realm from the clutches of the night's predators. The legacy of the Vampire Wars bore witness to the sacrifices, heartaches, and unquenchable spirit of those who dared to challenge the darkness, etching their names into the history of a realm forever haunted by the shadows of that ageless conflict.

    More reading
    An Entrapted Kingdom