Werebear/Ursus-Homo ((Wear-Bear))

Basic Information


Werebear males can grow to be about 6.5-10 feet tall. The females are about 5-9 feet so there is quite a bit of difference with them as full grown adults. Males can reach weights of about 400-800 pounds, with extreme cases up to 2500 pounds, while females are often around 290-672 pounds.

Genetics and Reproduction

Werebears do not have any sexual urges whilst in bear form. Werebears can only be made through the saliva of another.

Ecology and Habitats

Werebears live primarily in heavily-wooded areas, sometimes in hills or mountains. They also hunt near rivers to have easy access to fish.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Werebears need to eat double the amount humans do and triple during winter.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are primarily found in Nerfaya and Dwarna, but can be sighted elsewhere.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Werebears have twice the sensitivity of human hearing.
Scientific Name
Their lifespan depends on their normal race.
Average Height
6.5-10 feet
Average Weight
Up to 2500 pounds
Average Physique
Outside of their bear forms they are bulkier than average.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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