The Greidr Republic ((grey-deer))


Minister Ministers govern the executive branch of the government. They can also take emergency power and essentially become a dictator for as long as they want. The current minister has been under emergency powers for forty years.   Allgemeines Allgemeines govern individual settlements. When war comes, they forcefully recruit whomever they desire. They are not elected, but chosen under emergency powers. Allgemeines have an absolute rule over their assigned settlement.


The culture of the Greidr Republic is obvious given their structure and motto. They are a very warlike people who see military power as the only power. Those who are weak do not belong.

Public Agenda

Greidr does not care to hide their agenda. They wish only to eliminate and conquer all other nation in Denaunt, especially their long-time rival Elasvura. After they conquer Denaut, they have a strategy prepared for assaulting Dwarna. Most people doubt that a united Denaunt could ever take down a united Dwarna, as the inhabitants are just far too powerful to compete with.


Greidr owns the second largest port in Denaunt, allowing them to build a substantial military. Taxes in the nation are high- forcing citizens to pay large swathes of wealth to the already wealthy government.


Refer to the Nine Realms Historical Timeline.

Demography and Population

The Greidr Republic may not be the friendliest to other nations, but they are to other races. All races are equal and widespread in Greidr.


The Greidr Republic was originally an individual city (a city state), but after a few decades of existence they decided to expand into untaken land. From there, they have conquered nearby territory- rapidly developing the settlements in their borders. Nearby an aaracokra outpost lies, but Greidr allows their existence as long as they pay a steady tax.


Greidr has a massive military ranging from simple draftees to professional soldiers. Allgemeines often recruit experienced soldiers from their settlements first, and then moving on to recruit commoners if needed.

Technological Level

Greidr has advanced military and naval technology, but are behind in social sciences and architecture.



Foreign Relations

The Greidr Republic despises the Halen Democracy almost as much as they do the Elasvura Republic. Halen pirates constantly raid the unprepared Greidurians. Sometimes they even lease their military to Elasvura during wartime.   Greidr despises Elasvura and wishes only to slaughter everyone there and take the land for themselves.    The Archipelago Kingdoms and Greidr are enemies. Greidr often raids their easily assaulted ports and settlements for slaves and resources.

Agriculture & Industry

Greidr is an industrial powerhouse, constantly producing firearms to use and sell to other realms. Unfortunately the only way for them to get gunpowder is by raiding Elasvura. Greidr has gone through several large dips in their economy due to the yearly raids failing on occasion.

Trade & Transport

During the trade seasons (summer, spring, fall), Greidr has a truce with the Archipelago Kingdoms. This allows them to transport trade goods via the realm gate.


Greidr has a quite standard education system.


Most Greidr buildings are dark and washed out. At night the settlements look abandoned and ancient, and during the day it looks like it would be inhabited by vampires.

Erobere und Erweitere!

Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Greidurians use copper, silver, gold, and platinum ducats.
Major Exports
-Firearms -Melee weapons -Horses -Salt -Fish
Legislative Body
Normally the people vote for laws, but under emergency powers it is all up to the Minister.
Judicial Body
Court is very different in Greidr as opposed to the rest of the nations in the realms. In the Greidr Republic, the jury is comprised of the Minister and Allgemeines.
Executive Body
The Minister makes up the executive body.
Neighboring Nations


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