The Archipelago Kingdoms


Three kings rule the three islands, acting as governors but also forming the Council of Kings. The three kings are King William of Gate Island, King Gareth of Shipwreck Isle, and King Frederick of Restful Watch.


Culture in the kingdoms is based around racism/xenophobia and class superiority. The lower and working class are considered unintelligent and responsible for their place in society. This has led to several attempted revolutions. Races besides humans are typically lower class. The middle class are considered average in intelligence and etiquette. Around seventy-five percent of the middle class are human, with those who are not are questioned on how they got to where they were. The upper class are completely made up of humans and are considered the ultimate beings. Everything about them is supposedly superior to the rest of society.

Public Agenda

The Archipelago Kingdoms, above all, want to hold the realm gate in Denaunt. This allows them to dictate and tax all cross-realm trade.


The Archipelago Kingdoms are going through an economic depression after a wave of new mouths to feed from Fienden had arrived. Food stock ran out- many lower class starving to death. The only thing keeping the Three Kings from splitting off is the trade from Elasvura.


Refer to the Nine Realms Historical Timeline.

Kings Guide Us!

Alternative Names
The Kingdoms
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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