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Massacre at Scrap Hill

The Conflict


The Sons of Avalon appeared on Praedia XI for no adequately explained reason, simply telling the Planetary Governor that an attack was immenent. Yet the planet's defensive network had detected no threats. The Sons of Avalon and PDF deployed on a hill, digging in and fortifying their positon, setting up overlapping kill zones all facing into a nearby valley. Suddenly with a crackle of energy Waaagh! Grisnork tellyported en mass into the valley and the battle began.


The Sons of Avalon were deployed on the high ground, starting the battle directly behind the Ork Waaagh!. The Waaagh! itself was deployed in a loose rabble with no real pattern. The first wave of Waaagh! Grisnork consisted of the majority of their vehicles.


The battle mostly took place at the base of what would come to be known as Scrap Hill. Scrap Hill was a fairly large and steep hill formed via glacial activity.

The Engagement

The battle opened with a bombardment from orbit, fired by the Sons of Avalon strike cruiser, The Honourbound. The bombardment annihilated much of the Orks heavier vehicles and devastated the initial wave of Orks. The resulting chain detonations of Ork vehicles nearly wiped out the entirety of the first wave. The surviving forces of the inital deployment scattered. The second wave tellyported in to absolute chaos.   The second wave of Orks lost huge numbers to failed tellyporta attempts as they appeared inside the smoking wrecks of their buggies. Then the Sons of Avalon and PDF opened fire. The opening salvos took the Orks completely unaware and cut them down by the hundreds. Mines and explosives set up before the Waaagh!'s arrival were detonated as they attempoted to move out of the killing fields. Expecting their forces to have moved off by now yet more Orks were tellyported to the planet. Numerous more Orks were slain as the next wave tellyported inside the bodies and survivors of the previous waves. Meanwhile the Sons of Avalon continued their orbital bombadment, continuing to inflict massive casualties. Only ceasing once the sustained firepower threatened to damage the planet's atmoshphere.   The third wave of Orks saw a shift in the battle as this wave tellyported in closer to the Sons of Avalon. The Sons responded swiftly, adjusting their firepower onto this fresh wave but now more Orks were tellyportin' in. They were no longer arriving in waves but scattered over a wise area, all around the Sons of Avalon defensive position. What followed was a brutal and bloody fire fight as Warboss Grisnork tried to rally his boyz, riding around and gathering up his scattered boyz. The Sons of Avalon and PDF unleashed unending salvos of withering fire, cutting fown numerous Orks before they even had a chance to realise what was happeing. Yet the Orks were appearing randomly, often outside the Sons of Avalon's pre-established kill zones. This randomness would prove to be the Ork's saving grace, allowing Grisnork to rally the Waaagh and charge the Sons' position. Utherdane, saw that the tide of battle was shifting against them, pushed to the front seeking out Warboss Grisnork. He found the Ork tearing through the Sons of Avaon defensive position, threatening to break through. He called the Ork out by name and insuated that the Warboss was small and weak. This taunting quickly baited the Ork into a challenge. They fought for hours all the while the Orks began to encircle the Sons of Avalon's position. The battle ended suddenly as Utherdane crushed Grisnork's skull with his hammer and lifted up the Warboss' mangled corpse for the Orks to see.   What followed was a massacre, as the Orks nearly immediately fell to infighting and disorder, allowing a organsied counter charge from the Sons of Avalon to break the Waaagh!. The surviving Orks routed and were hunted down over weeks by the Sons of Avalon.


The Waaagh! was destroyed and Utherdane earned a new honorific, Orcenbana.


Several worlds within the sector that were free of Orks now have ferals that if left alone could rise agan in a fresh Waaagh!.
Included under Conflict
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Waaagh! Grisnork broken and destroyed. Sons of Avalon victorious


Sons of Avalon Strike Force Dawnbreaker

Led by

Waaagh! Grisnork

Led by


150 Astartes of the 4th & 8th Companies
50 Astartes of the 1st Company
6 Dreadnoughts
Numerous support vehicles
Approx 20,000 Orks
Numerous Speek Freak buggies and Meks


39 Astartes killed and numerous wounded
3 Dreadnoughts
Several astartes support vehicles
Numerous PDF Troops killed and wounded
All Orks routed or killed


Complete anihilation of the orkish Waaagh!.
A propa gud scrap.


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