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Utherdane Pryndrach the Strong

Knight-Commander, Chapter Master of the Sons of Avalon, The Titan of Albatanica

Utherdane is one of the longest-lived members of the Sons of Avalon, not entombed. He is nearly a thousand years old. He was elected to the seat of Knight Commander after defeating the originally elected candidate, Renald Stiernmod in a duel. Before his election to Knight Commander, he was a hot-blooded and war-hungry leader. Serving in the 6th company as an assault marine, his skill in close-quarters combat quickly earned him his veterancy. His first act of heroism was killing a Necron Lord in single combat, delivering the killing blow with his gauntleted fist. It was during this that Utherdane suffered a grave injury, nearly dying and losing his eye. This injury caused Utherdane to slow down and learn to deploy his fury when needed. Eventually, Utherdane rose to the rank of 1st Knight-Captain, leader of the fabled Hearthguard. He won a score of glories to himself as their Captain, his warriors viewing him as a boisterous god of war. Finally, Utherdane rose so high as to become Knight-Commander after defeating the chosen successor to Arundel in single combat.   One of Utherdane's first major actions as Knight Commander was breaking Waaagh! Grisnork. He slew Warboss Grisnork in single combat with Gamoltyrre and broke the Waaagh!. After this achievement Utherdane rarely left Albatanica, the threats to the Imperium requiring him to remain on the homeworld to direct the Chapter's efforts. It was in this isolation that Utherdane made an edict that will forever live in infamy, known as the Great Reforging. He recalled the full might of the Chapter to undergo the Rites of Calgar. Only roughly 60% survived, the greatest casualties ever suffered by the Chapter. The process did reveal safer methods by which the Rites could be performed and this information was sent to the wider Imperium. To his credit, Utherdane was the first to undergo these Rites and the procedure did nearly claim his life. Utherdane is now rarely seen outside of Ar-lic's command center or the innermost depths of the Labyrinth. His recent decisions and behaviours have led many in the Chapter to question his sanity. The more insubordinate members of the chapter have taken to calling him Utherdane the Mad.

Physical Description

A giant, even among the Adeptus Astartes. Utherdane stands a good head and shoulders taller than his brothers and his recent reforging has only made him bulkier. His body despite being still herculean is somewhat withered, age and battle having taken their toll. This is due in great part to Utherdane's stubbornness regarding rejuvenation treatments, he refuses to undertake them, believing that to remove an injury would be to remove a lesson. Utherdane sports a large scar over one side of his face where a Necron Lord nearly cut his head open, permanently blinding his right eye. Most of this injury has healed and the worst of it is hidden by a shaggy salt-and-pepper beard.


In the past Utherdane was regarded as a hotheaded and brutish warrior who relied on his size and skill with weapons over tactical expertise. He was liked by his fellow warriors and those who served under him. He delighted in battle and was considered good-humoured. Since becoming Knight-Commander Utherdane has become more somber, gruff, and distant from his brothers. Where before he was the loud, brash Captain with a score of victories, he is now the stern father of the chapter. This all changed after the Great Reforging, those who know Utherdane well consider him a shell of his former self. His brothers barely speak to him. The righteous rage that for years fueled him has become naught but cinders.
"Let fury be my weapon. So long as I weild it with righteouness." - Utherdane Pryndrach
Imperium of Man, Sons of Avalon Space Marine Chapter
Current Status
Alive, currently secluded on Albatanica
White, Sweptback
Arundel Pryndrach the Swift

Character Portrait image: by Thibault Ollier


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