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Albatanica (Al-bee-tan-i-ca)

Albatanica is the homeworld of the Sons of Avalon Space Marines Chapter and their Fortress-Monastery, Ar-lic   Albatanica is a Terran-like garden world. The world currently has a single supercontinent, named Weald most of which is covered in forests of giant trees. Albatanica is currently in an ice age, with most of the ice concentrated at the poles. The planet's abundance of vegetation and cold temperatures have led to numerous mega-fauna evolving on the planet, such as the Cynde-Bera (Ursus Dryas).   The world has little to no industry and is mostly comprised of small villages and walled towns. Most people on Albatanica live simple feudal lives, though the Sons of Avalon has facilitated the construction of modern The two largest constructions on the planet are Ar-lic and the Labyrinth of Heroes.

The Faenholt

Albatanica is renowned for its forests but there's an area of these forests not well known outside the most trusted of the Sons of Avalon. Where the Eoten Trees grow so close together that they form an impenetrable mass of wood, thicker than any hive city wall. The only way through is to navigate the dense roots and deadfall that make up the forest floor. This is known as the Faenholt or translated directly into Low Gothic The heart where darkness dwells. Very few on Albatanica can navigate the twisting roots of Faenholt and those who can't but still try can still be found, trapped in the roots of the Eoten Trees. Many a fool or hubristic woodsman has attempted to navigate the Faenholt, attempting to get to its heart. In ancient Albatanic myth at the heart of Faenholt is the realm of the fae, of course, the Chapter has condemned such myths as heretical. Official chapter records state that there's nothing of note within Faenholt bar an ancient fountain constructed of an unknown substance. Some in the Chapter have suggested that this could be a remnant of the ancient human colony that originally colonised Albatanica. Still, for everyone's safety, the Faenholt is off limits, except to the Chapter's most elite pathfinders.
Segmentum Tempestus
Adeptus Astartes Homeworld, Feudal World, Ice World
Tithe Grade
Adeptus Non
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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